The summer holidays are a team effort for parents, grandparents, friends and more.
Many families rely on summer activities to act as both childcare as well as entertainment for young people during the school holidays, however for some, finances are the barrier.
However, the charity Greenhouse Sports, is helping to break down the barriers to accessing exciting summer holiday activities.

Greenhouse Sports Summer Camps are being held for free this summer for their young people, providing a safe and positive holiday environment.
Activities range from all-day coaching to occasional opportunities for day trips and subsidised residential activities.
Greenhouse Sports is a charity helping young people from the poorest communities in London, Portsmouth, and Leicester.
They fund full-time elite sports coaches in schools to run free daily sessions, delivering inspirational coaching and mentoring to engage young people and improve their life chances.
Greenhouse Sports coach, Tony Wilkinson who is Head Table Tennis Coach at Crest Academy in Brent, North London, is working closely with the charity’s network of coaches across London throughout the summer, running camps out of Crest Academy.
Wilkinson said: “Our young people really enjoy it because not only do they get to challenge themselves against new people, but they make new friends.
It’s great to see them on day one, a bit reserved, and by the end of it, they’ve found a new best mate.
They also love the longer training sessions that summer camps offer. It allows them to see real progress in their skills.
“Beyond skill development, the camps offer so much value. For parents, it’s a free service and reassuring to know their kids are engaging in something beneficial—they’re active, social, and away from screens.
For our young people, the camps provide something to really look forward to. Many come from large, busy households with lots of siblings, so this is their chance to have a bit of an escape and do something they truly enjoy.”
The summer camps are also providing enrichment days and activities, taking young people out of the area to explore new parts of the country and experience new activities.
In recent weeks, these trips have included theatre trips, basketball tournaments, football stadium tours, museums, Thorpe Park and even trips out of the capital for some including a day on the Southend coast.
Discussing the enrichment activities, Wilkinson added: “The free trips are a highlight, often being a first-time experience for many of the kids – as a lot of them come from low-income families and have never been outside of their borough.
These trips leave a lasting impression; the kids talk about them for months afterward.”
To find out more about Greenhouse Sports, visit