Athletes utilise the CoreTx GO by cooling the palms of the hand during the rest periods of workouts. Multiple scientific studies, including papers from Stanford University, have shown this simple, localised cooling causes incredible reductions in fatigue and significantly enhances performance.
Across a range of different exercises, palm cooling for just 2 minutes between sets has drastically enhanced repetitions performed, increased time to fatigue and overall workload from highly experienced to beginner gym goers.
Peer-reviewed scientific literature has observed a 40% increase in bench press work volume in just 3 weeks, and 144% increase in pull-up volume in 6 weeks with experienced subjects.

Introducing: The CoreTx GO Palm Cooling device
The performance benefits of cold therapy have filtered from professional sports to the mainstream consumer over the last few years. Cooled compression, Ice baths, and Cryotherapy are all regularly used by athletes to maximise their performance and optimise their recovery.
Now, a groundbreaking new product has been launched by the company that has supplied elite sports teams worldwide, with their cold therapy solutions for the last 20 years.
Colin Edgar, Founder of the CoreTx GO, has been supplying cold therapy solutions to elite sports teams including: Team GB, The FA, Manchester United, Manchester City, AC Milan, Bayern Munich and Wimbledon (Tennis).
“For over 20 years we’ve been working with professional sports teams across the globe, supplying them with the highest-tech Ice Bath and Cryotherapy solutions. The benefits of cold therapy are undeniable and incredibly important for athletes seeking to perform at the highest level.
Our latest product, the CoreTx GO, is totally revolutionary and a real game-changer for both strength and endurance athletes. Quick and simple applications between sets or during rest massively reduces fatigue, allowing users to dramatically increase their workload capability.”
The CoreTx GO palm cooling device will be the latest product utilised by the best sports teams worldwide to maximise performance and optimise the recovery of their athletes. This portable device easily integrates into any gym or training facility and can be used by two people at once.
Matt Lawrence MSc MCSP HCPC, former Paralympic Physiotherapist and owner of CrossFit 2012 gym, has been testing the CoreTx GO with his clients and has seen astonishing results:
“I use it all the time now. Any session that has any rest in it, I’ll use it without question. At first, I was extremely sceptical of this technology, but I’ve been testing myself and my clients who have seen some truly remarkable results.
As a scientist, I’ve approached integrating this device as clinically as I can, trying to reduce as many variables as possible. In 6 weeks we’ve seen clients over double their total reps of dips and bench press, almost double their pull-ups in 4 sessions and bicep curl 50% more reps in 4 sessions – and these are experienced lifters!
What we’re seeing with palm cooling is the drop-off in repetitions between each set is much smaller. Without the cooling you might perform 15 reps on your first set, then maybe 10 on your second, 7 on your third etc.
By using the CoreTx GO to cool the palms for 90-120 seconds between sets, you can maintain the reps throughout each subsequent set much better. As total reps performed is higher per set, overall workload is significantly higher.”