The classes are run by specialists from across the world, drawing on a wide range of practices from Taoism to physical theatre
Finding new ways to stay active is a positive thing but without the support of qualified trainers it could be having unintended consequences on our…
CrossFit athlete and officially the UK’s Fittest Man 2020, revealed as new face of G-SHOCK Sport timepiece, GBD-H1000
HIIT can increase your body’s ability to burn fat and elevate your body’s fat burning potential throughout the day.
Researchers have found that the more competitive a person is, the more benefit they get from popular workout apps.
But which parts of the country can claim to be the UK’s most active?
Is it more difficult to maintain and build muscle beyond the age of 40/50 in men?
The key is building a consistent exercise routine for a minimum of three months. After the habit is developed, you will start seeing improvement.
Stay productive and connected in this new era with Samsung’s newest Galaxy wearables
Every good hiker knows when planning an outdoor adventure, picking the right backpack to carry your gear in is essential.