Now that summer has begun in earnest, research reveals why ditching your PJs before bed could be more beneficial than you think.
Belly fat isn’t just a problem if you’re dreaming about the perfect body for your holiday, it can have severe health implications too.
The author, presenter and influencer talks to Lisa Salmon about being her own boss, her love of seafood and listening to her body.
Kim Kardashian is known for stealing the headlines, but after this year’s Met Gala, it was her drastic weight loss that was the main talking…
During the first few days of Ramadan, your body will be adjusting to fasting. Where possible, pause or step back your workouts during this time…
In a bid to win the bet, Ste threw himself into training at the Bannatyne Health Club, which he says turned around his mental health…
There is a saying that ‘a fit body is made in the kitchen’ and ‘you can’t out-train a bad diet’
Slow and Steady wins the race
More Than Six Million Will Struggle On Blue Monday Because Faddy Diets Have Left Them Feeling Hangry
According to a new survey by WW, 28% of those who went on a restrictive January diet, have hit a slump and 79%* are unlikely…
Finally ready to let go of calorie-counting and body shame? We explore the tricky issue of navigating diet chats.