In response to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, three members of Altrincham-based gym The Strength Collective are teaming up to raise money to benefit…
The Ponzu platform; whether its weight loss, mental health factors or to feel stronger and healthier in yourself – each personal PT plan offers daily guidance…
The UK fitness and leisure sector has reported the most comprehensive national COVID 19 safety figures for the industry in Europe, in a new report…
The top-of-the-range equipment supplier is offering its full customer base the opportunity to buy or rent its products.
For lovers of health, fitness and sports, Tobacco Dock, London was the place to be when it opened its doors to PerformX Live 2022 this…
It’s important to leave room in your schedule, either after work or on a weekend, to relieve some stress through sport
The partnership, revolving around PlayStation‘s latest exclusive title, “Horizon Forbidden West,” will engage gamers with a new “Defeat the Machines” Training Journey and exclusive prizes.
Cure Leukaemia announces a new partnership that will see Game Changer Performance (GCP) become our “Official Training and Performance Partner”.
ukactive has issued the following statement in response to the Chancellor’s Spring Statement today (23 March)
Aditi Shah will support the brand in various ways including TRAIN PUMA campaigns, product launches and brand initiatives.