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How Are You Looking To Freshen Up Your Training Regime

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In preparation for 2020, Brits are already considering ways to freshen up their fitness training in order to feel motivated and be the best version of themselves in the new year.

Steven Virtue, Fitness Content and Programming Manager at Total Fitness, the North’s leading mid-market health club, shares his predictions for the fitness trends we’re expecting to see in 2020.

“Exploring new fitness trends and finding a training method that suits your lifestyle is a great way to make exercise exciting,” says Steven.

“Not only does this provide a new surge of motivation but it allows you to keep up to date with any new developments in the fitness industry.”

HIIT Training

One of the fastest-growing trends to hit the UK over the last few years is HIIT training, with fitness experts including The Body Coach regularly sharing exercise routines focused on this method.

The programming developed within the HIIT concept is becoming more comprehensive and is set to make an even bigger impact in 2020.

For those who enjoy an intense method of training that burns fat quickly, Les Mills GRIT, Les Mills SPRINT, Insanity and Synrgy 360 Rig classes are a great place to start, all centred around cutting edge results.

Fitness Apps

Fitness apps are becoming a popular training tool for gym-goers at all levels, as they have been specifically designed to make the fitness experience easier.

Users can do all sorts, including book classes, monitor workouts and gain specific advice and guidance to help achieve their goals using app technology.

The continuing rise of the digital age will see more usage of fitness apps in 2020, covering topics from training, nutrition, lifestyle and more.

The apps are easily accessible to anyone with a smartphone and are ideal for those who need some guidance and inspiration as we enter the new year.

With a wide range of exercise videos, workout tips and supporting information available, there is something to support everyone’s fitness routine.

Express Les Mills Classes

There are more and more operators offering the Express Les Mills Classes as a quick and intense training option for gym-goers.

This is a 30 or 45-minute variant of class disciplines such as Body Combat, Body Pump, RPM and Body Balance, and is expected to grow in popularity next year.

The class runs the same focusing on cardio, body tone and strengthening, but removes any lower intensity tracks, so members still get an effective workout in half the time.

This training class is great for those who are limited on time but still want to gain an intense, full-body workout.

Virtual Fitness Equipment

Virtual classes have been extremely popular in 2019, with the virtual concept set to develop even further next year.

Equipment manufacturers are developing more equipment that has built-in virtual training concepts, including x-trainers, treadmills and indoor cycles, which are all set to be big in 2020.

Total Fitness itself has a Life Fitness Treadmill Run Social which immerses users into the ultimate, virtual running experience allowing them to remotely run alongside a partner – great for those who need a further injection of motivation.

Machine-based training can often become tedious, so by including a virtual element into the equipment, the user receives an assisted approach to their exercise training and stay focused.

Functional Training Rigs

Growing demand and improvements in materials mean that Functional Training Rigs are becoming more accessible for 2020 with improved designs to meet the training needs of its user.

Available in a range of sizes, Functional Training Rigs bring together a variety of exercises and allow the user to weight train, bodyweight train and stretch all in one space.

These rigs are hugely practical as they offer a fully functional training experience, like our Life Fitness Synrgy360 rig which has been designed for everyone.

Rigs are becoming more affordable for people to use at home, so it’s easier to continue exercising between gym sessions.

“Consumers can expect to see a broad range of fitness trends set to make their mark in the industry next year.

This is the time for people to start a new fitness journey or assess their existing training, so they can identify what trends are most suitable for them and implement this into their 2020 routine.”

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