Fitness and technology unite to create a fun, inclusive community through Fitr Training’s unique software platform
Top tips to curb feeling deenergised and get back into your workout routine.
Fitness Apps are all highly rated, with Google Fit, Samsung Health, Strava and the Fitbit app having ratings over 4 stars on the App Store.
The annual celebration of fitness has become known as the UK’s most active day of the year – in 2019 it inspired 19.1 million people to…
New record title stands at 2179.66 miles*
With over 70 free classes, 5 different training modes, FTP Power Training, video coaching and virtual trails utilising the free AI App, this RENPHO bike…
In celebration of National Fitness Day Trainify are running a free 14-day Wakeup Workout.
In a worrying sign for health inequalities, more than half of female respondents said they were unhappy with their current fitness levels compare to men
Health and fitness is ranked high on the priority list for health-conscious brits
An orthopaedic specialist is trained to treat any injury that affects your joints, bones, or musculoskeletal system.