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Is It Time To Leave Your Personal Trainer?

personal trainer works with client

THIS ARTICLE IS the second of two on the subject of personal trainers. Age does have its advantages because nothing beats experience.

At my gym, I see people putting pressure on themselves to exercise more, train harder and perform at their peak to lose weight. When what they need to do is re-evaluate their mentality.

Today, everything has become a hustle attitude. Most people are adept at losing weight, but when their focus is on the objective of weight loss and getting there hasn’t been fun, they are likely to regain the weight. This is what a living experience tells me.

Who almost understands your body as well as you do? Your personal trainer. Over time, they have helped you transform your flaws into strengths, pushing you to achieve more than you ever imagined.

No matter whether you’ve been with your trainer for a long time, there may come a point when you wish/need to quit the relationship.

Like other relationships, your relationship with your personal trainer can degrade with time. Listed below are some signs that it may be time to separate ways:

• There are no visible results. If your trainer appears to be in a training rut and you are not making progress, it is time to choose another trainer.

• Your trainer is very demanding. Constantly being pushed beyond your physical boundaries is dangerous. Suppose your workout leaves you chronically sore or unduly weary. Look for a new trainer who will respect your limits while posing safe challenges.

• It is OK if you initially hired a trainer but now feel comfortable exercising independently. But the honourable thing is to complete your paid package before branching out on your own.

• Your instructor lacks professionalism. If your trainer shows up late, talks on the phone (or with others) during your session, and cancels your session with little notice. It’s time to find a new trainer. 

• When you’ve been working with a personal trainer for three to six months, that is long enough. There are no secret exercises or programs in fitness. If you’re doing the right things, your results will compound over time.

• One size doesn’t fit all. If you’re training for a big event like a Marathon, then branch out and find someone specialising in running, strength, and nutrition.

• If you just really don’t like the exercises they have you doing. If deadlifts aren’t your thing and that’s their primary focus, say something or find someone else. 

• If they seem bored and just doing it as a routine, you need someone to inspire you and not wish you weren’t there. 

• Honestly, if you’ve been with the same person for over 3/4/5/10 years, shake things up a bit.

• Be wary of the age gap. There is a difference between feeling a burn when performing squats and experiencing pain in your hips or knees as you age. The distinction between pain and soreness is threatening to your body. Expecting a young trainer to comprehend the elder body is ridiculous.

The bottom line is that the trainer is not solely responsible for your dissatisfaction. It’s a bitter pill to take, but your trainer cannot force you to exercise, eat well, or adopt healthier behaviours that you know are better for you.

You have the right to stand up for yourself and decide to fire your trainer despite these circumstances. Since your health, time, energy, and finances are at stake, being self-centred and assertive about your requirements is not inappropriate. Put your emotions aside and prioritise your long-term fitness goals.