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Michelle Keegan’s Fitness Routine Responsible For Those Amazing Abs

michelle keegan

When it comes to #gymgoals, Michelle Keegan is top of list for a lot of women.

The 37-year-old actress is known for washboard abs and a toned physique, despite having previously admitted she loves nothing more than eating Magnum ice creams in bed.

So how exactly does she do it?

Michelle Keegan
Enviable abs: Michelle Keegan (Very/PA)

Michelle admits that a combination of lifting weights and calorie-torching floor exercises are the secret to her killer bod.

“I try and exercise on average about three times a week, but this can vary depending on my work schedule,” said Michelle.

“My routine in the gym is usually a 20-minute HIIT workout,” she added. “I like The Body Coach workouts, followed by a weight session.

“I really don’t enjoy cardio – just running on a treadmill doesn’t appeal to me. I mix up my weight training, focusing on legs in one session, arms in the next and then core, giving me a full-body workout across the week.”

Posing in promotional shots for her clothing line – which includes graphic-print leggings, bras and slogan hoodies – the star also revealed that when it comes to fitness, she doesn’t lose sleep if she skips a sweaty gym sesh for a much-needed duvet day.

“I really believe in living a balanced life, so I don’t beat myself up if I don’t make it to the gym,” she revealed.

Michelle Keegan’s Fitness Routine Responsible For Those Amazing Abs
Michelle activewear line with Very (Very/PA)

If she does need a mental boost to push her out of bed though, she turns to Instagram for inspiration. The actress says she loves scrolling through the feeds of fitness stars like Amanda Finnie and Alexia Clark.

“I mainly look at the way they are working out and the recipes they suggest,” she said. “I also love seeing transformations and the way different exercise regimes can completely change your body shape.”

So has she ditched the Magnums entirely for kale salads and buckwheat smoothies? Not quite. The actress says she tries to follow a healthy diet, but admits she doesn’t deny herself the odd treat when she fancies it.

Michelle has just launched an activewear line with Very
The range features yoga-friendly leggings (Very/PA)

“When it comes to diet, I believe in everything in moderation. I don’t eat red meat and at the moment,

I am trying to cut down the amount of dairy I have, but I don’t believe in beating yourself up or stopping yourself from having anything you really want,” Michelle explained.

“I try to avoid having carbs late at night when I am preparing for a photo shoot, but one of my favourite foods is cheese and I love having a Chinese on a Saturday night.

I think it’s healthy to have a relaxed approach and balanced outlook.”

Michelle says she’s embracing this year as the perfect opportunity to bring more balance to her routine – and she even has a majorly Zen fitness resolution she’s aiming to stick to.

“I have tried yoga a couple of times at the end of workouts and really enjoyed it,” she said. “It is so important for your body and mind and my resolution for this year is to include yoga in my weekly routine.”

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