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The Birth Of ‘Meta-Age’

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MAY 2023 SEES the birth of my third book ‘Meta-Age’, which completes a trilogy of books that plots my midlife journey for a new alternative life stage instead of old age.

My previous book launch took place at the famous Body Worlds exhibition. But this time, it will be with my intergenerational fitness tribe at my second home – my gym David Lloyd Club, where I will celebrate the birth of my new book and life stage – Meta-Age.

Wayne-Lèal book meta age

Meta-Agers are people who place greater importance on the connection and function of their bodies than on losing weight or getting a six-pack. They know this will happen as a natural consequence of appropriate exercise and a balanced diet. Our shared motto is ‘The goal of fitness is Meta-Age – otherwise, why exercise?’

They don’t think of themselves as getting older, especially when older adults are portrayed in the media as inconsequential, frail and a burden on society. The common opinion that anyone over 60 is categorised as ‘Old’ is an old-fashioned mindset. Meta-Age is a revered status that every fitness person aspires to achieve – Who doesn’t want to live a longer, healthier life with a short old age?  

According to a ‘ukactive‘ report, by 2030, the number of people in the UK aged 60 years or over will be 20 million, up 31 per cent compared to today’s figure of 15.3 million. By 2040, nearly one in four people (24.2 per cent) will be 65 or over; one in seven will be over 75.

Gyms should start Catering to Midlifers.

Studies show that much age-related mental and physical deterioration diminishes with regular exercise. 

It is also a fact that midlifers will soon make up a significant portion of gym attendees, even though many gyms have yet to realise this.

Midlifers are loyal customers.

Most gyms tend to target younger customers because of their active interest in their health and body image, so it makes sense for them to be a strong target market.

However, the downside is that the young have less money to spend on premium memberships, move home regularly, and have less brand loyalty.  

Conversely, midlifers are more likely to keep up a gym membership because they are primarily settled in one place (and unlikely to move house repeatedly), have a more expendable income, and have more time to spend looking after their health. It is the midlifers that form the most secure membership base.

Also, since the health impacts of exercise are acute for midlifers, their drive to go to the gym to achieve Meta-Age has more meaning because it extends beyond aesthetic reasons.

If more gyms opened their offerings to a broader age demographic, the midlifers may prove a steadier, more secure membership base, bringing business stability.

A wider pool of clients

While many gyms see Millennials and Generation Z as the most significant pool of potential clients on a global level, that is only sometimes the case.

Midlifers comprise a higher percentage of the overall population in some countries, and there may be a time when midlifers outnumber the younger gym enthusiasts.

Therefore, logic dictates that gyms and wellness centres should begin marketing to midlifers now to capitalise on the most significant demographic.

Meta-Age at any age

Enough evidence shows that achieving Meta-Age can do wonders for your health. The health benefits include:

· Improved quality of life

· Reduced risk of falls

· Reduced risk of degenerative diseases

· Weight loss, which can benefit joints

· Reduced risk of later injury

· Potentially reduced chronic pain

· General improvements in health, including blood pressure

· Alleviates stress, depression, or anxiety

· Social interaction

Finally, Meta-Ager is an aspiration to give everyone another facet and purpose to their training that goes beyond the aesthetic.

META-AGE – a new life-stage. Ageing as it could and should be.