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6 Health and Fitness Resolutions Worth Keeping

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It’s estimated that every year a third of us make some sort of New Year’s resolution. 

The beginning of any New Year is as good a time as any to reassess and re-set your fitness goals, but what are the best fitness resolutions to make, and how can you be sure to stick to them?

  1. Set your fitness goals 

Knowing what you want to achieve from your fitness programme will help to motivate you and give you a sense of direction. 

Whether it’s running your first marathon or improving your PB (personal best), being specific about your goals and splitting goals into short, mid and long-term goals will help you to remain focused and achieve success.

  1. Start a training journal 

Writing down your goals and achievements can really help you to stay on track. 

You can use it to not only keep a record of your achievements but also as a log of improvements and/or injuries. 

There will be nothing more satisfying than looking back over the end of the year to find out how far you’ve come.

  1. Get enough rest 

A highly underestimated aspect of any fitness regimen, rest is essential for promoting performance, preventing injury and aiding recovery. 

Whatever your level of fitness or sport specialism, planning at least one day off from the training schedule each week encourages muscles to recover and strengthen, avoiding overuse.

It also helps to conserve and restore energy levels, maintain focus, allow the immune system to work effectively and stabilise both heart rate and alertness and help you to sleep soundly.

  1. Remember to stretch

Another overlooked, yet critical element of any fitness or training regimen is stretching. 

Stretching muscles enhances flexibility and reduces muscle tension so that injury is minimised, and the body can recover properly.  A worthwhile resolution to make and stick to.

  1. Reassess your nutrition 

Spending time reassessing your current nutrition plan, ensuring meals and snacks are planned and refuelling your body with nourishing meals will allow your body to both recover and perform efficiently.

Not only that but it will help to support your immune system – particularly in the winter months when exposure to cold and flu viruses is rife.

  1. Stay hydrated 

Hydration is key to keeping your energy levels up, decreases your risk of injury and helps performance. 

Remember to increase the intake on training days but remember to also keep it up on rest days and everywhere else in between. 

A good way to remember to drink enough is to buy a bottle with measurements on the side so that you can check that you are drinking enough.