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Everything You Need To Know Before Getting A Dental Implant: From Start To Finish 

Male dentist showing his female patient a dental implant

Dental implants are artificial teeth connected to a metal screw that is inserted into the gums, replacing a lost or damaged tooth. They can last a very long time and look and feel like your natural teeth.

So how do you prepare, and how long does it take to recover. 

Choosing A Dental Practice

Nobody likes going to the dentist, but a good dentist will be able to put you at ease and give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about your dental care.

When thinking about a dental implant, you should find a dentist that offers free consultations, such as Glasgow Smile Clinic.

They provide dental implants in Glasgow, with the option to speak to a dentist for free, so you can get more information about dental implants and see if it is the right choice for you. You can learn more about dental implants through their website. 

What Can A Dental Implant Do?

If you have lost a tooth from an injury, infection, or tooth decay, a dental implant can be used to replace your tooth.

There are other options out there for tooth replacement, depending on whether you still have part of your tooth. This includes bridges and dentures. 

A dental implant can be used if there is enough space in the gap and your other teeth haven’t already moved into it.

If you have had a missing tooth for a while, you may need additional surgery called a bone graft before a dental implant can be fitted. Speaking to a dentist beforehand is best, as they can let you know whether you are suitable for a dental implant. 

Preparing For Your Dental Implant Surgery

Before your dentist lets you know if you are suitable for surgery, there are a few things they will do first. This includes an examination of your mouth and an X-ray, to check the health of your teeth, gums, and bone.

Once they have determined that a dental implant will work and you are happy to go ahead, you can book your procedure.

Many dentists have payment plans, which can help cover the costs if this is something you are worried about. 

Do not be put off by the word surgery, a dental implant will be fitted at your dental practice. Your dentist may give you antibiotics to take before and after the surgery.

This is to limit the chance of the implant being rejected by your gums. If you smoke, your dentist will discuss your options, as smoking will increase the length of time it takes for the area to heal, which could increase the risk of infection. 

What Happens During The Procedure?

A dental implant may be done in one sitting, but it is also common to have multiple appointments. When getting your implant fitted, you will have an injection into your gums, which will numb the area.

Although the injection may sting, you should not feel any pain whilst the procedure is being done. Your dentist will then cut your gum to make a place for the implant, which is then inserted. The gum is then sealed over the implant, which will need time to heal. 

This part of the procedure can take a few months, as the skin and gum around your implant need to grow around it.

Just as screws can be inserted if you break a bone, the implant is a piece of metal that will combine with your bone, creating a sturdy structure for the tooth to be attached to.

Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create a tooth. This will be attached to a connecting piece, once the area is ready. 

Recovery And Care Of Your Dental Implant

As with any dental surgery, you may feel some soreness or discomfort around the area for a few days. Some people may experience bruising or swelling. During this time, it is best to consume soft foods and cool drinks.

You can take painkillers from your local pharmacy to help with the pain. You should start to feel better after a few days to a week. If you have any issues, speak to your dentist.

Taking care of your dental implant is easy, as it requires the same care as your normal teeth. Make sure to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss, and use mouthwash.

You should also see your dentist regularly for follow-ups, to make sure the implant is sitting as it should and isn’t causing any issues.

A dental implant is a great replacement if you have lost a tooth. Find a good dentist and speak to them about your options. They will be able to provide you with everything you need to know before, during, and after your procedure.