IV therapy for athletes can be used before or after a major athletic event. Some athletes rely on IVs during training or in the days…
There’s nothing worse than doing the same workout day-in, day-out, with no end in sight – so we asked fitness pros for their advice.
With Brits being forced to ditch the gym and exercise remotely, the experts at we sought to find out the most efficient workout trends of…
On a mission to inspire positive personal change through a fusion of great taste and science, two of the UK’s leading sports nutrition experts have…
With more time than ever to self-scrutinise, it seems ‘lockdown libido’ is manifesting in two very different ways…
Temperatures are plunging in the UK and Ireland this week. Here’s how to keep your cool during the cold snap.
One of the world’s largest independent financial advisory and fintech organisations has negotiated an attractive discount with Les Mills On Demand
What is the best approach to ensure success and make 2021 your fittest year yet?
A yoga teacher and psychologist share the mental benefits of regular practice
The songs the world turns to the most to get pumped for a home workout have been revealed by PureGym