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Airplane Yoga: Escape In-Flight Aches And Anxiety With These Simple Moves

stewardess with eyes closed doing meditation gesture with fingers

Travel offers a refreshing sense of freedom—whether you’re jetting off to chase the sun, explore unfamiliar cities, or simply indulge in a change of scenery.

Yet, the reality of flying can be a little less glamorous, especially when you’re wedged into a seat for hours on end. Aches, stiff joints, and that general sense of “meh” can creep in if you stay immobile for too long.

Fortunately, In-Flight yoga stretches provide a quick and easy way to keep your body and mind feeling on top form while you’re 30,000 feet in the air.

The build-up to a trip can bring its own stresses, from navigating busy terminals to lugging around a suitcase that’s somehow always heavier than you expected.

Plus, no matter how fit or flexible you are, your muscles need gentle encouragement to stay loose in such a confined space.

That’s why small bursts of movement are absolutely worth their weight in gold. Even tiny stretches here and there can ward off unwanted tension, keeping you limber enough to leap enthusiastically off the plane and right into your holiday itinerary.

Anna de Sousa—a MoreYoga expert instructor—shares her favourite no-equipment, seat-friendly exercises to keep you feeling fresh throughout your journey.

These In-Flight yoga stretches are designed to target the body parts that suffer the most during air travel: your spine, neck, hips, and legs. Ready to land feeling revitalised rather than wiped out? Try these seven poses on your next flight.

1. Cat > Cow

Mobilise your spine with a few rounds of seated cat-cow! To begin, move your bum slightly forward in your seat and place your hands on your knees. 

Take a breath in and open your chest, soften the belly and perhaps look up. As you exhale, draw the chin to your chest and round your spine as much as you can. Do 5-10 rounds like this!

2. Neck Stretch

First, wrap your right arm behind you and hold your right wrist with your left hand. Then move your chin towards your left shoulder.

Stay there for a few seconds, and then lower your chin down to your left shoulder. Hold for a few seconds, then repeat on the right. 

3. Overhead Stretch 

Needing a bit of an energy boost? Stretching the sides of our body can help wake up the body!  

Take your arms overhead and catch your right wrist with your left hand. First, lengthen up and then lean towards your left-hand side slightly (without invading the space of the person next to you!) Make sure you’re rolling your chest upwards. Release and repeat on the other side

4. Shape “4” stretch 

Now let’s bring awareness to the legs! Stretching the sides of the legs and the glutes will feel AMAZING after sitting for an extended time. 

Bring your right ankle on top of the left thigh. And encourage the right knee to lower. The longer you stay here, the lower your right knee will get. If you want a bit more intensity, gently push your right thigh down. Then repeat on the left side.

5. Forward Fold 

Are you feeling anxious? Rest your belly over your thighs and let go of your neck. Allow everything to hang heavy and start taking deep breaths to the back of your rib cage. Guaranteed to chill you out! 

6. Quad Stretch

Lower back pain can get real in-flight! So anytime you get up to walk around the cabin (or even after using the loo) get in a quick quad stretch!

Grab your right ankle with your right hand and drive the heel into your bum. If you want a bit more sensation, draw your hips forward. Hold for a few seconds and then repeat on the left side. 

7. Standing Downward Facing Dog 

If you need a full-body move to stretch the whole back of your body, find a wall you can lean on and get into a standing downward-facing dog! 

Make sure you’re pushing through your hands while tilting your hips up. Soften your knees if you need to. Take a few deep breaths before moving back to your seat as if nothing happened. 

The Power of Prevention

Remember: “Don’t wait until you need to stretch to do these. Better safe than sorry!” You can weave these In-Flight yoga stretches into your schedule from the get-go.

Even if you only do a couple of poses every hour, your body will feel lighter, more energized, and far less achy upon landing. Think of it as a preemptive approach to travel wellness—one that ensures you’ll arrive at your destination ready to seize the day.

When it comes to flying, a little creativity and mindfulness go a long way. Treat the cabin as your personal mini-yoga studio, even if you only manage to slip in a few subtle moves between in-flight meals and your new favourite podcast.

You’ll be surprised by how even short bursts of stretching can keep your mood lifted and your body limber for whatever adventures await on the ground.

Bon voyage—and may these In-Flight yoga stretches be your secret weapon for a more comfortable, relaxing journey!

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