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Meet Your Perfect PT with Ponzu

woman works out in front of television

Delivering the convenience of online and accountability via the power of modern-day communication methods of WhatsApp, social media, Zoom and the Ponzu platform; whether its weight loss, mental health factors or to feel stronger and healthier in yourself – each personal PT plan offers daily guidance and support from your partnered instructor. 

Uncovering that pre-recorded workout content fails to motivate and engage, with 53% of people fearing they’re working out incorrectly and 39% losing motivation whilst taking part in a pre-recorded workout, Ponzu will continue to push the boundaries of modern-day fitness and wellbeing.

Sustainably transforming how we work out, plans are formed on the simple concept that those who receive a tailored approach, combined with daily motivation of a trainer achieve far better results.  

With the future of modern life revolving around millions working from home, Ponzu’s tailored plans cater to a variety of wellbeing regimes, whatever they may entail.

With enjoyment a key factor in completing and maintaining goals, fun and effective programmes can include running, gym-based plans, or 1:1 workouts at home spanning from low to high impact.

With a range of options that cater for every budget, the highly inclusive monthly subscription model provides people with real human connections, after a time it felt so limited.

Shaking up the market by removing barriers with professionally-led exercise, Ponzu doesn’t compromise on quality and is designed to boost physical and mental wellbeing at a time when it’s needed most. ​

Ponzu are online experts that launched at the start of the pandemic to deliver wellbeing to homes across the country.

Making it personal with their powerful interactive platform that is the secret recipe for smashing fitness goals, a variety of wellness disciplines are reflective of personal goals.

Reduce anxiety and boost mindfulness yin yoga, increase flexibility and core strength with Pilates, or experience a full-body workout with a high energy HIIT session.

Sign up today to receive £10 worth of credits towards classes, packages and training programmes. Classes start from £5 and 1:1 PT sessions from £20 with any of Ponzu’s premium fitness professionals. 

For more information visit, follow them on Instagram @ponzu_fit or on Facebook