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What Is Calisthenics and Where to Start

Man performing hand stand

What is Calisthenics?

Calisthenics, derived from the Greek words ‘Kalos’ (beauty) and ‘sthenos’ (strength), has its roots in Ancient Greece.

Picture this: 1000 years BC, in the rugged land of Sparta, you would have been drilled in callisthenics by some of the toughest warriors ever known.

At its core, callisthenics is a type of exercise comprising simple movements typically performed using your body weight.

The goal is to enhance flexibility and strength without needing weights or equipment. Essentially, any movement relying solely on body weight can be classified as callisthenics.

Calisthenics: Where to Start

Forget about lifting weights for a moment. Using your body weight as resistance offers a liberating training experience.

So, if you’re fretting over not being able to pump iron, it’s time to relax and embrace the freedom callisthenics provides.

Starting with the basics is crucial. The foundation of callisthenics lies in simple yet powerful moves like push-ups, pull-ups, and dips.

For beginners, maintaining proper form is vital, as the habits you develop now will stick with you throughout your fitness journey.

Why Choose Calisthenics Over Weight Lifting?

One significant advantage of callisthenics is the flexibility it offers. Unlike weight equipment, which can restrict your natural movement, callisthenics allows for a more organic flow.

While weight training certainly builds muscle mass, callisthenics does it more efficiently and naturally.

The best part? No dumbbells are required. With callisthenics, your body becomes your gym, enabling you to work out anytime, anywhere.

Can Calisthenics Help You Gain Muscle?

Absolutely. Callisthenics is fantastic for building strength and targeting specific muscles naturally.

It not only boosts strength but also enhances muscular endurance, power, and flexibility. With the right movements, you can achieve a well-rounded fitness level.

Calisthenics: Scientifically Proven Results

In 2017, a study by the Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit at the University of Palermo, Italy, titled ‘The effects of a callisthenics training intervention on posture, strength, and body composition,’ found that callisthenics is a “feasible and effective training solution to improve posture, strength, and body composition without the use of any major training equipment.”