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3 Things A Personal Trainer Does In The Morning To Have A Great Day

strong motivated woman celebrating workout goals

Don’t you hate those mornings when you get up, feel tired even though you have had a good amount of sleep.

Spend the morning getting your coffee on the go and rushing out the door to either get the kids to school or to get to work?

My mornings used to look something similar, I would get up in the morning and have my prepped meals for the day ready with my clothes folded up ready to get changed into for the day.

Get my bits together and walk out to tackle the day. I must admit this is already some half decent prep.

But I would still not feel my best throughout the day, I would be tired, I would lack focus on tasks and I just wouldn’t get the results I wanted from my day. I wanted more energy!

But how was I going to get it?…

I like to read, so I thought the best place to find out was through books.

One day I finally found it, the book that completely changed my morning routine around.

It transformed the kind of days I was having! I didn’t expect it to make such a positive change immediately. But I noticed a huge change in my mindset, focus, energy and productivity overnight.

If you would like to know more about the book, I discovered to transform my days around feel free to message me for more info.

Here are 3 Things I do in the morning, to have a great day.


My first new habit now when I get up in the morning is to spend 20 minutes reading either something positive or something educational.

This for sure beats the morning news. First thing though before I get the book ready is to get the kettle on to make my morning coffee.

A standard procedure for me. I don’t know about you but coffee is one of the favourite parts about my morning, so I’m not going to change that.

I find Spending 20 minutes fuelling your mind with positivity or something where you have to learn something new is a great way to bring clarity and a sense of growth to your life.

I find reading really allows me to go to a place of focus and calmness.

A perfect way to start your morning rather than rushing out of bed and getting bombarded with stress first thing.


Next, I spend 20 minutes doing some deep breathing. There are many different ways to meditate, I personally like the Box Breathing Technique for the first 5 minutes.

This really allows me to get into a deep state of relaxation and focus.

I then spend the remainder of the meditation visualizing an ideal day.

I like to see myself performing all my tasks with positivity, focus and energy.

This practice alone allows me to already experience the perfect day that I want before it has even started.


Finally, I spend 20 minutes planning the day I want to have. I do this using Google Calendar which is a great app because it breaks down your day into 1-hour tasks.

I plan in my main appointments and jobs. The end product may be me seeing gaps in my day that can be used more productively.

I then think about what are the most important tasks/goals that I’m working towards at the moment and I fill in my gaps with doing tasks that will get me a little closer towards my goal.

I then write down in my Journal 3 things that I am grateful for. Most days I tend to find I am grateful for being alive today. And I realise that today is all that matters.

This habit really does bring more clarity towards your day.

And then I resume getting my work clothes and meals together. Out the door and ready for a perfect day.

I didn’t think that doing the simple 3 things above would create a great day for me.

I now have a clearer mind in the day, I am more focused on my tasks and I make the most of each hour of my day.

I now plan in stress free time, study time and relaxation time.

For me this is all super important to me as it allows me to not overwork and burn out.

I now get better quality work done, I now give my clients far better service because I am more focused and present throughout the day.

Don’t worry if you get up late or struggle to fit in these 3 habits if you are up for an early shift.

I think sleep is the most important thing for good quality energy and recovery so I always prioritise sleep.

So when I’m on an extra early start, I get up 30 minutes earlier and do each habit for 10 minutes rather than 20. The 10-10-10 formula. Not as long, but it still works wonders.

Who would have thought 3 simple things could create more great days for you.

For any Health & Fitness enquires or help with creating a routine that you love rather than a routine that doesn’t give you the life satisfaction that you truly desire leave me an enquiry on my website or fitness my Facebook page – Feel Good Life Ltd or follow me on Instagram – @jamesoneilfitness

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