Shona Vertue helped make David Beckham more flexible – here’s why you should follow suit.
Discover the importance of mobility exercises for flexibility and joint health. Learn how to improve mobility for a healthier and stronger body.
Keeping them mobile and comfortable is one of the best ways we can give back to them for all the affection they’ve showered us over…
Many people find that prolonged hours of sitting at their desk can affect their mobility
When you reach the later years of your life, you might notice that your mobility isn’t what it used to be
All the trending fitness and diet fads and this challenge stood out as the clear winner
Advanced mobility app pliability launches its newest path: Back Pain – backed by CrossFit athlete, Laura Horvath.
We hear it all the time, people wanting to be more mobile, but what does it mean?
After a year hunching over a laptop, there’s a good chance our upper backs will have lost flexibility