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All The Best Bits About Running In The Springtime

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It’s simply a fact of life that spring is one of the better seasons. Fresh flowers, crisp sunny mornings and light jacket weather are just a few of the reasons we reckon winter just isn’t a patch on spring.

And if you’re a runner, you’ll know it’s also the best time to get outside and clock up some mileage. Nodding your head in agreement? Then you’ll probably relate to this list.

Here are just a few reasons why spring rocks our running world…

Not having to bother with lots of layers. There’s nothing more freeing than ditching your stuffy thermals and springing out of the house in just a T-shirt and shorts.

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Seeing and smelling the springtime flowers in all their glory. Getting a good whiff of the hyacinths, gardenias and freesias growing on our route does wonders for our mood.

Sunny post-run selfies. Everyone photographs better in the sunshine. From the blue sky above to the makings of a summer glow, your Instagram feed looks a lot less grey and miserable when the weather clears up.

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Even the spring showers feel great. When it rains in winter, the freezing temperatures (and inevitable frozen toes) make it downright uncomfortable to keep on running. But in spring, a sudden rain shower can feel super refreshing.

You feel at one with nature. Loads of animals reproduce in spring, which means you’re more likely to see bunnies, squirrels and ducklings on your runs.

Plus, the arrival of warm weather means that lots of British garden birds get louder and livelier. Is there anything cooler than your runs being soundtracked by the dawn chorus?

The leaves are back. And everything is suddenly greener.

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You get a good dose of mood-boosting vitamin D. Sunshine triggers your body to produce vitamin D, which plays a role in regulating moods and warding off depression.

Having a cold shower after a sweaty run feels even better. You savour every single second of sudsing up under those deliciously cold jets.

The temperatures aren’t stiflingly hot yet. Spring blesses us with moderate weather that’s the most comfortable to run in.

Lighter evenings mean you can safely enjoy a post-work run. With the sun out for longer, there’s more time to blow off the day’s stresses with a late-afternoon sprint session.

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Everyone seems to be in a better mood. Is it just us or is everyone a little bit happier when the skies are blue and the sun’s out?

It’s a great excuse to buy some new kit. Because nobody wants to head into a fresh season with a threadbare pair of trainers that have been battered by winter’s inclement weather.

The sights, smells and sounds of spring make running that little bit more enjoyable – which means you’re much more likely to add a couple of extra kilometres onto your route, to savour the awesome feeling of being outside.

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