As the ‘Official Health and Wellbeing Partner of the England Teams’, Nuffield Health and The FA are working together to improve the health of the nation by inspiring everyone to make small lifestyle changes that make a positive difference to their health and wellbeing.
With many people still coming to terms with a new hybrid working lifestyle, Nuffield Health Clinical Fitness National Lead, Paul Johnson and former England goalkeeper, Rachel Brown-Finnis, share some simple tips on how we can improve our physical and mental wellbeing:

1) Do exercise you enjoy
Paul Johnson: There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach to exercise – everyone has different goals and things they like doing. If you don’t enjoy lifting weights or running on the treadmill, then don’t do it.
There are so many options and approaches to fitness, so try out a few different styles of training, machines, and classes until you find something that makes you want to get up and exercise. Find a routine that works for you, so that week on week you can keep it up and enjoy it too.
2) Think outside the box
Rachel Brown-Finnis: Not everyone has the time or money to go to the gym, so try to add those little extra 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes to your day that you can bring in some exercise.
I often get on my bike, cycle the kids to school or cycle to the shops and get the exercise I need from there.
It can simply be finding a park and setting yourself a little target. Do 1, 2 laps of the park, or get off the bus a couple of stops before you need to get off the bus or train. If you must drive your car, park a mile away from work and walk that last mile or two.
3) The importance of rewards
Rachel Brown-Finnis: It’s important that you do something good for your body or brain because the two are linked together.
Reward yourself and try to limit those rewards to when you’ve justifiably earned it. One of the things I’m most passionate about is sharing my love for being outside, being out, and being active.
When I used to cycle to school I’d save up the money that my parents gave me for the bus and buy myself a little treat at the end of the weekend. Use that as an incentive as well.
Paul Johnson: If you’ve hit one of your targets, make sure you reward yourself. Treat yourself to a meal out, some new shoes or anything that makes you happy.
The longer you continue with your new routine, the more likely you are to keep it up long-term, so every month you keep going should be celebrated.
Nuffield Health is proud to be the Official Health and Wellbeing Partner of the England Teams, uniting with The FA on a joint ambition to help build a healthier nation.
As the nation’s teammate in health and wellbeing, the partnership will build on the mental and physical benefits that football brings to improve the wellbeing of individuals and communities.
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