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I Learned A Hahn Lesson Working Out With Calisthenics Instructor Keith Hahn


Ah, the road to fitness—a path we’ve all taken at some point, whether it’s the childhood echo of school gym classes or a later-in-life epiphany that gets us moving again.

Typically, the first advice we get is to hit the gym or jog around the local park. But let me tell you, there’s a more holistic and effective way to achieve your fitness goals: working out with callisthenics.

Before you rush into the usual routines, consider this—incorporating high-level callisthenics and bodyweight exercises can significantly improve your strength, tone, and flexibility.

Trust me, this isn’t to say the traditional methods are wrong. Any start is a good start, and it’s how I began my fitness journey as well.

It wasn’t until last Christmas that my perspective truly shifted. A book gifted by a family member, “The Year of the Black Sheep” by Keith Hahn, caught my attention.

Hahn, a qualified fitness trainer, has penned a book that’s as short as it is impactful, filled with personal anecdotes and insights from fitness legends.

The most captivating aspect of the book is its focus on achieving mental clarity through the mind-body connection.

In today’s world, this is something we all struggle with. The book’s direct approach to positive thinking and practical fitness advice was a breath of fresh air.

After reading Hahn’s book, I felt a renewed sense of purpose—not just for my fitness goals, but for my overall life objectives.

Intrigued, I decided to delve deeper into Hahn’s methods and background. A former American college-level athlete from Philadelphia, Hahn moved to the UK seven years ago via New York, where he initially trained as a financier. His journey into fitness began here in London.

I eventually tracked down Keith at BLOK London in Shoreditch, an upscale fitness centre where he regularly conducts callisthenics classes.

His sessions are a blend of high-level bodyweight exercises and combat conditioning, aimed at maximizing results. These workouts boost muscular strength, endurance, mental toughness, and overall fitness.

Watching Hahn’s promotional videos and reading his book left me a bit apprehensive about what lay ahead.

But as we met him at BLOK’s reception, my nerves settled. BLOK isn’t your typical gym—it’s a visually stunning fusion of fitness, art, design, and London fashion.

Keith introduced us (my photographer Ben and me) to the class, surrounded by boxing bags, gloves, and monkey bars.

After a quick three-minute warm-up of planks, press-ups, and squats, we moved on to pull-ups. Given my past rotary cuff injury, I was a bit cautious, but Keith’s understanding approach put me at ease. He guided me through light-hanging exercises to warm up properly.

Our three-hour session was enlightening. Despite being a regular gym-goer, attending four times a week, Hahn’s class revealed gaps in my routine that I hadn’t noticed.

The muscle aches I felt in the following days were proof of how my body had grown accustomed to the same old gym machines.

For anyone looking to shake up their fitness regimen, Keith Hahn’s book, “The Year of the Black Sheep,” is a must-read. It’s available on Amazon for £14.89.

If you’re near Shoreditch or Clapton, don’t miss the chance to join his classes at BLOK London. It might just be the game-changer you need.