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Can You Even Imagine Exercising Without Music? Gen Z Says ‘No Way!

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Ah, Gen Z! Known for their zeal and, let’s admit it, their reliance on a cracking playlist to get those trainers moving. It’s no exaggeration to say that for nearly half of the UK’s youngsters aged between 16 and 24, the idea of exercising without music is about as appealing as a phone with no internet. Shocking, I know!

A survey conducted by Protect Your, a rather vigilant gadget insurer, rounded up close to 2,000 exercise enthusiasts to delve into this phenomenon.

And the results? Well, they sing louder than a boombox at a block party. While the overall population shows about three in 10 individuals harnessing the power of tunes for their workouts, a whopping 48% of Gen Zers confess they can’t do without it.

woman on mobile phone

The ladies, particularly, have tuned into this trend more than the gents. A solid 34% of women say no music, no workout, compared to 28% of men. Clearly, the beats are not just a background noise but a fuel for their fitness fire.

But it’s not just about bobbing heads and tapping feet; there’s a tech side to this story too. More than half of those surveyed are plugged into an app—be it jamming out on Spotify, tracking steps on MyFitnessPal, or pacing through parks with Runkeeper.

The gadgets? They’re as vital as a good pair of sneakers. And not the cheap ones you picked up on sale.

We’re talking about some serious kit, with 60% sporting gadgets worth over £100, and 28% flashing tech that would make even your wallet sweat, costing £400 or more.

Now, while the younger crowd may not be broadcasting their burn on social media as much as you’d think—only 5% share their stats—it’s clear they’re not shy about strapping on some pricey gear to get the most out of their workouts.

James Brown, the director at Protect Your, hit the nail on the head when he remarked, “Music doesn’t just make the world go round but the pedals, too.” It seems that for Gen Z, those pedals are powered by playlists that not only fuel their souls but also their bodies.

So, whether you’re a Gen Zer yourself or just curious about how the young folks are mixing beats with burpees, it’s evident that music and tech are playing a pivotal role in shaping fitness trends among the new generation. Just a heads up, though—if you’re investing in tech as much as in your gym membership, consider some insurance. After all, breaking a sweat shouldn’t mean breaking the bank.

James Brown, director of gadget insurance provider Protect Your, comments:

“It seems music doesn’t just make the world go round but the pedals, too. That nearly half of Gen Zs can’t exercise without Apple Music, or whatever other music player blasting out, shows the phenomenal impact of light and portable gadgets on our lives.

It’s no exaggeration to say that, these days, music isn’t just good for the soul but for the body, too.

“What’s also clear is that the wearables and gadgets people are carrying around on them while exercising are not cheap, so they need to protect them from damage and loss. An Apple Watch itself can cost upwards of £400, which is a significant sum of money.”

So, whether you’re a Gen Zer yourself or just curious about how the young folks are mixing beats with burpees, it’s evident that music and tech are playing a pivotal role in shaping fitness trends among the new generation.

Just a heads up, though—if you’re investing in tech as much as in your gym membership, consider some insurance. After all, breaking a sweat shouldn’t mean breaking the bank.

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