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Find Your Feet And Walk Your Way To Fitness


Walking; it’s something we’re all capable of doing but too often it slips by the wayside, especially if we’re spending our days in the house.

There are a huge number of benefits to walking however, with a study by University College London finding that pounding the pavements for 30 minutes a day can dramatically improve health.

As we’re all adapting to the ‘new normal’ before gyms reopen, walking could be the perfect way to begin a fitness journey or even add to the one you’re already on!

Nelsons® arnicare® arnica Cooling Gel has teamed up with YouTube fitness expert, Lucy Wyndham-Read, to put together some top tips for boosting your walking regime:


Your pace has a huge impact on the power of your workout, so it’s important to assess what works for you and what you can easily and regularly maintain. If you’re looking for a more intense workout, you might want to amp up the pace. Here is a breakdown of the 3 main speeds:

  • Stroll: This is the pace you would usually use when you window shop. Strolling for an hour is a great way to get some activity into your day without feeling like you’re ‘working out’.

  • Brisk walk: This pace should be faster than strolling but not so fast that you can’t hold a conversation. You might start breaking into a sweat here, so make sure you’re wearing the right clothes and walking shoes.

  • Power walk: An hour of power walking should be done at a fast enough pace so that you cannot hold a conversation, only answer questions with “yes” or “no”. Power walking is the closest thing to running and you’ll want to make sure you have water and proper shoes for this higher intensity workout!


With so much wearable tech available, why not clock up how many steps you do every day to see the total amount you walk. 10,000 steps a day is the equivalent to 5 miles which is a great achievement in your daily routine.


Instead of plugging in your headphones and listening to music, try downloading a podcast and learning another language or listen to an audiobook. That way you’ll be developing a new skill as you exercise and saving time you may have otherwise spent on learning a language or reading.


One of the best ways to increase the intensity of your walk is hill walking. Begin with walking up and down a couple of hills, gradually increasing the amount that you do so. You should feel this in your calves, quads and thighs, and the range of motion used through your lower body to power you will also do wonders for sculpting your booty.


Walking is the most natural exercise you can do, which is why it suits every fitness level. It is low impact and kind on your joints. Just doing 10 minutes a day five times a week can make a dramatic difference to your health, fitness and well-being.

Specially formulated Nelsons arnicare arnica Cooling Gel is ideal for massaging into legs post work out. It is non-greasy and non sticky combining the natural benefits of arnica with the refreshing sensation of grapefruit oil and menthol to cool and soothe the skin.

Nelsons® arnicare® Arnica Cooling Gel is priced at £5.50 for 30g and is available from Amazon, Boots, pharmacies and health food stores nationwide.

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