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How Aloe Vera Juice Could Heal Your Esophagus

woman hold aloe vera leaf and lotion

Aloe vera is a kind of succulent plant coming from the genus Aloe. Although the origin of this plant is located in the Arabian Peninsula, it can grow invasively anywhere in arid, tropical, and semi-tropical climates. 

In the Egyptian age, they called it a plant of immortality, and nowadays, it is again becoming popular with its enormous healing power to the human body. It is largely considered by health-conscious people to take care of their skin, burns, and wounds.

But there is something more to explore regarding aloe vera. Research suggests that with the consumption of aloe vera, it is not possible to reduce GERD issues that are related to the esophagus. GERD is a type of acid reflux that mainly occurs with indigestion and heartburn.

The esophagus is the muscular hollow tube that helps to intake food and liquid from the throat to our stomach. So, here we are going to explore the usage of aloe vera to understand its benefits on esophagus issues. 

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a kind of digestive disease that deals with our stomach by flowing back the acid to the good pipeline (esophagus). 

In a little gap, many people face this kind of issue which irritates the lining of the esophagus.

However it may occur once or twice, but if you see that stomach bile or acid is attacking your food pipeline twice or more in a week, then you are probably facing GERD. 

One of the main symptoms of this disease is feeling a burning pain in the chest when lying or eating. However, if you take medication and change your lifestyle, you may find the cure itself. 

The Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice 

Aloe vera is mainly popular for cosmetic usage and for skin irritations. But it can be used both orally and topically.

When you cut the leaves, you will be able to extract aloe vera juice. However, it is also considered to reduce acid reflux in the human body amongst plenty of other benefits. Aloe latex is found in the aloe juices, and that indicates the inner lining of plant leaves. 

Here are some crucial benefits of aloe vera in dealing with the esophagus. 

  • A purified and decolourized version of aloe vera can be used as a safe treatment for the reflux system of the human body. 
  • Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which help to reduce acid production.
  • The juice of aloe vera is also loaded with amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
  • It also helps to reduce the level of cholesterol and sugar levels. 

How To Use Aloe Vera Juice Properly To Heal The Esophagus

Now that we know that aloe vera can be used as the remedy to acid reflux, it’s time to find care for the esophagus by managing the particular ways to use the juice.

Choose The Juice Without Aloe Latex.

Search in the pharmacies or online and look for the particular products which are latex and aloin free because it may damage your kidney. Any kind of artificial preservatives can also be harmful to deal with your esophagus issues orally.

There is a chance that you will get the best product if you search for “organic products” and never go for whole-leaf products because they may contain aloe latex. 

Drink 10 Ml Every Day.

You should also be aware of the quantity that you are taking for the purpose of reducing GERD. Try to take 10 ml or two teaspoons of aloe juice every day. The best time to consume it is in the morning, 20 minutes before you go for food.

Consuming aloe juice every day might take one or two weeks to let you understand the improvement regarding the acid reflux issue. 

Diarrhea Patients Should Not Go For It.

Aloe vera can work as a laxative which is not cool for people who are facing diarrhoea and stomach issues. 

If you understand that you are facing these symptoms, stop taking aloe juice and wait for the issues to resolve. Do not take more than one dose a day to keep yourself safe from every end.

Let Your Doctor Make The Final Decision. 

Let the doctor review your symptoms and let them make the final decision. You are not a medical expert, and thus if you do face symptoms after two weeks of usage, you should visit the doctor.

The esophagus is the main pipe to transfer your food from the throat to the stomach, and you don’t want to neglect its importance. Your doctor will decide your dose and ask them about a proper GERD diet.