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6 Sports You Can Play to Stay Active Next Spring

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Warm spring months provide excellent conditions for going outside and enjoying some fresh air.

As soon as the temperatures rise and the first trees bloom, it might be the perfect time to take up a new sport and occupy your free time with it.

It’s one of the best ways to emerge from winter hibernation and start being active again, so you can ensure that you stay in good health and spirits.

However, if you’ve never been interested in one particular activity or you’re just simply looking for something new and exciting, you might need some guidance on which sport would work best for you.

If you’re looking for something beginner-friendly, you may prefer yoga or golf. Those who work an office job and experience back pain should consider swimming, while team players could be interested in rugby or volleyball. 

To make your choice easier, check out our choice of these six sports you can start enjoying to ensure that you stay active and healthy.


How do I get out of joining my husband for his sports games

Golf might be the most challenging sport on this list, but it’s also one that can be the most rewarding.

It’s a sport that requires lots of focus and coordination, which is why it works best for those who are experienced at another sport and have a good sense of how to play. 

It’s pretty challenging since you need to develop a strategy for each shot, and you also need to be able to calculate distances with precision.

Golf is also a great sport for those who want to spend some time outdoors, especially if you’re a beginner and it’s your first time playing.

You don’t need to join a league or club, but instead, you can simply go to the golf course and play on a weekend. 

However, gear such as golf clubs, balls, or golf clothing can get pretty expensive and add up to a more significant sum, so if you want to start golfing, check out Golftown coupon codes to find some of the best deals.


Volleyball is a fantastic sport for both men and women, regardless of their age. It’s a good choice for anyone who loves the outdoors and being active in a group, or for those who simply want to be in good shape.

It’s one of the most popular sports on college campuses, which means that it’s also a lot of fun to play and allows you to make new friends while keeping your body healthy.

The great thing about volleyball is that it’s relatively easy to learn, and the rules aren’t too complicated. It’s a team game, so you should look for a local club that offers classes if you don’t know anyone who can teach you the ropes. 


Yoga is not just a form of exercise; it’s also a great way to relax and stay in good spirits. All you need is a yoga mat and some comfortable clothing, and you’re ready to begin.

Yoga helps improve your physical fitness and flexibility, all while strengthening your core muscles and improving your balance. 

You don’t have to go to yoga classes or get certified before starting your practice; instead, you can look for YouTube videos and tutorials to help you get started.

You could even start by holding certain poses for a couple of minutes and gradually increase their duration over time.


woman swimming in beautiful blue water
© (iStock/PA)

Swimming is another great sport for those looking for something more challenging because it’s quite demanding on the body.

It works out most of your muscles, and it especially targets the glutes, legs, chest, and shoulders. Swimming is also a good form of cardio since it increases your heart rate and keeps your breathing up. 

It’s also perfect for those who work at the office or perform their job duties from home and sit a lot during the day. It might also be beneficial for those with weak joints, as swimming reduces further risk of arthritis by allowing a person to maintain their normal muscle strength and structure of joints.


Rugby is one of the more challenging sports on this list because it requires a lot of speed, strength, and endurance. However, it can also be one of the most fun ones if you manage to find the right club or team to join.

Rugby is a very popular sport in England, Australia, and New Zealand, but there are rugby clubs in various other countries as well. You can learn about rugby clubs in your area by doing an online search to see if there are any rugby clubs around.


Tennis is a great choice for those who love competitive sports but don’t want to deal with the stress that comes with games like basketball or soccer.

Instead, tennis forces players to think carefully before every shot since they need to pay attention to where their opponent is standing as well as their own position on the court. 

It involves lots of running back and forth across the court, so it’s an excellent cardio workout as well as one that will target your upper body muscles like the core and shoulders.

However, tennis may not be the best option if you have weak joints since it involves intensive activity that can put extensive stress on them.

And there you have it: the perfect spring sports that are all reasonably beginner-friendly and easy to learn, even though they can be pretty challenging.

If you’re interested in learning more about one of these sports, make sure to search around to see if there are any sports clubs around which can teach you the ropes.

You should find a sport that works well with your time schedule and skill level so that it’s easier to pursue it on a regular basis.

There are plenty of opportunities to enjoy your favourite sport as well as make new friends while you’re at it.