Pretty much all actors in The Iron Claw had to undergo intense training to play their respective roles
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Edoardo Molinari joins forces as Vice Captain for the 2025 Ryder Cup
After a record year in 2023, The Hundred will return on Tuesday 23 July
To give gym goers the boost they need, the hotline – running until the end of January – offers access to five different 30-second pep talks
Kyrie Irving has teamed up with Club Legacyz to create a limited edition basketball, painted by himself
Rory McIlroy won a record-breaking fourth Hero Dubai Desert Classic as he successfully defended his title
Look no further to cult fashion brand Thrudark to help us out with their End of Days Parka.
Here are a few ways to get rid of those annoying hangovers, fast.
The health benefits of indulging in nostalgia, and why nostalgia plays such a big part in wanting to document our stories
The Naked Attraction presenter talks to us about post-pandemic body image and why her rescue dog is the love of her life.