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Myzone’s Global Campaign: Championing Physical Activity Policies Across Continents

left to right: Alun Cairns MP, Kim Leadbeater MP, Wendy Chamberlain MP, Nick Smith MP, ukactive CEO Huw Edwards.
left to right: Alun Cairns MP, Kim Leadbeater MP, Wendy Chamberlain MP, Nick Smith MP, ukactive CEO Huw Edwards.

In a bid to transform the global landscape of physical activity, Myzone is taking bold strides to champion healthier lifestyles through policy advocacy across continents.

With its mantra of ‘movement as a movement,’ this wearable fitness leader isn’t just tracking steps; it’s influencing governmental policies worldwide.

Mike Leveque, CEO of Myzone Americas, emphasises the urgency: “Physical inactivity stands as a leading risk factor for noncommunicable diseases and global mortality.

It not only threatens individual health and longevity but also undermines national economic prosperity.”

Myzone is committed to shifting this narrative by engaging policymakers to prioritize physical activity as a cornerstone of public health.

Recently, in the heart of Washington, D.C., Myzone joined forces with industry leaders during the Health & Fitness Association’s ‘Fly-In’ and Advocacy Summit.

This annual gathering doubled in size from the previous year, uniting 120 influencers in 130 meetings with congressional members.

The focus? Garnering support for the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act, which could make physical activities like gym memberships tax-deductible in the U.S.

Adding sweat to their sway, Myzone sponsored a group workout as part of the Congressional Physical Activity Challenge.

This collaborative effort with the Physical Activity Alliance not only raised awareness but also saw Senator Cynthia Lummis’s team clinch victory, boasting record-breaking Myzone Effort Points (MEPs).

Ben Hitchcock, Myzone’s Chief Marketing Officer, stresses the importance of such initiatives: “These are not just symbolic gestures but pivotal moments to foster relationships and showcase firsthand the transformative power of physical activity.”

Beyond American shores, Myzone’s impact reverberates globally. In Australia, the Million Moves initiative rallied communities in the Sunshine Coast, promoting daily physical activity among adults and children alike.

Meanwhile, across the pond in the UK, Myzone partnered with ukactive for the ‘Fit for Office’ challenge, where parliamentarians logged impressive MEPs using Myzone wearables.

These endeavours underscore Myzone’s commitment to bridging the gap between fitness and policy, advocating for tangible changes in how societies perceive and prioritize physical activity.

As they continue to expand their advocacy footprint across the EMEA, AMER, and APAC regions, Myzone remains steadfast in its mission to make movement not just a personal choice but a global imperative.

For more insights into Myzone’s advocacy efforts worldwide, visit their blogs:

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