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Your Personal Training Launches PT Training Academy

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The UK’s largest PT Management Service, YOUR Personal Training, has launched its own bespoke training academy to provide ‘gold standard’ PT graduates for the fitness and leisure industry. 

The YOUR Academy training package has been approved by Active IQ and will be spearheaded by two renowned and successful industry PT mentors, Kevin Baker and Karl Muir. 

The qualification will take 18 weeks from start to completion, with students expected to complete 15 hours a week of training, as well as eight face to face days, and assessments throughout; it will be the most in-depth and comprehensive PT qualification in the sector, giving learners more practical coaching skills.

Aaron McCulloch, Managing Director, YOUR Personal Training explains: “For some time the leisure industry’s education standards have slowly been declining, with a race to the bottom in terms of price and consequently standards; we could see that, quite often, newly qualified PT’s were inexperienced and not able to provide effective PT provision.

It’s critical that a Level Three PT qualification is thorough and comprehensive – it shouldn’t be a quick fix to get more ‘bums on seats’.

“We have created YOUR academy to fix this problem both for PT’s and for operators, and are thrilled that our qualification has the stamp of approval by Active IQ.

The team at YPT understands what it takes to be a successful personal trainer. We have developed our training offer using our years of industry knowledge and with carefully selected delivery partners, to produce a qualification that is something truly special.

We are in the unique position where we can provide a complete full-circle journey for PT’s from qualification to employment.

“YOUR Academy’s PT programme and qualification will produce PT’s who are industry-ready, giving them a higher chance of business success.

Graduates will have more knowledge, skills and resources to truly understand how to build a successful personal training career and a thriving enterprise.”

YOUR Academy’s first intake of students will start in July 2022 with the onsite training taking place in Manchester. Further Academies will be based out of Leeds, Birmingham, London, Cardiff, Bristol and Scotland.