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Banish the Winter Blues: Your Guide to Embracing Joy Amidst the Chill

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In the words of John Snow, Winter is coming / IT’s BLOODY HERE!

Oh, winter! That time of year when it feels like the sun barely bothers to get up, and the rain seems to have it out for you. Y

eah, Christmas lights and holiday cheer are still off in the distance, and here you are, stuck in the gloom of yet another grey morning.

It turns out it’s not just your imagination that the chill is a bit harder to shake off this year.

According to fresh digs from the folks at GALAXY, snagging a bit of joy is tougher than ever, especially for the Gen Z crowd.

But don’t pull the blankets over your head just yet—GALAXY isn’t just sitting around. They’ve partnered with Jo Hemmings, a savvy behavioural psychologist, to whip up a ‘Top 5 Ways to Choose Pleasure’ guide that’s a real game changer.

1. Draft Your ‘Not-to-Do’ List

First up, let’s ditch some dead weight. Make a list of things to do less. Less inbox, less junk cluttering your spaces, less of anything that eats up your chill time without giving back.

It’s about carving out more room for the fun stuff, the stuff that makes you feel like you’re actually living.

2. Break Out of Your Routine

Routine can be comforting, sure, but it can also be a total joy-kill. Why not switch things up? Step away from your screens, take a new route on your walk, or heck, start planning an adventure somewhere new.

Did you know? Just planning a holiday can jazz up your happiness for up to eight weeks!

3. Find Your Feel-Good Groove

Helping out isn’t just good for those on the receiving end—it feels darn good, too. Whether it’s volunteering, lending a hand to a neighbour, or any small act of kindness, it’s about the little lifts that build into big feels.

4. Give Negativity the Boot

Negativity can sneak up and steal your cosy winter vibe. Start paying attention to when those gloomy thoughts show up, and actively swap them for something brighter.

And remember, it’s not just about thinking happy—it’s about hanging with folks who help you feel good, too.

5. Say Yes to Spontaneity

If you’re always planning every little detail, why not let loose a bit? Spontaneity can bring some of the most memorable moments.

Not every day is a parade, but there’s joy to be found in those unplanned, simple pleasures—even if it’s just for a few minutes.

So, as the winter winds howl, remember you’ve got the power to spark up some joy in your life.

Don’t let the season drag you down; arm yourself with these tips and watch your winter go from blah to brilliant!

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