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3 Ways To Help You Calm Your IBS

woman lays on couch holding stomach in pain

If you have recently discovered you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you may still be unsure about how to calm your IBS down when you have a flare-up.

Being able to manage IBS can take discipline and practice, but with a few key changes to your lifestyle, you will notice it makes a big difference to how you feel daily.

These changes can range from slowly building up how much time you spend exercising, altering your dietary habits and even managing your stress levels. Making small changes to any of these factors will lead you to notice a big difference in how frequent and severe your IBS symptoms are.

One of the key factors to managing your IBS is keeping track of what triggers your IBS to flare up. This includes your symptoms, your discomfort and also when you experience it.

Having a track of when these things occur will help you to understand what makes a difference and what doesn’t. In doing so, this will help you to manage your IBS and what needs to be done to treat it.

If you are looking for ways to calm your IBS and prevent severe flare-ups from occurring, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Rethink Your Diet Plan

When your IBS flares up, you may want to take another look at your current diet plan. Take note of what you are eating to see if any triggers tend to cause your IBS to flare up. You can find a diet plan for IBS easily online, such as Goodness Me Nutrition which offers guidance on how to deal with your IBS Flare Up.

Whether you need to trial a gluten-free diet plan or tailor a food plan to make you feel nourished and energised, there is help available to find the right diet plan for you that will not cause an IBS flare-up in the future.

Incorporate More Exercise

Participating in daily exercise, even if it is just a half-hour walk after work, will help in preventing a vast number of health problems. If you want more of a challenge, consider trying a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session or even try strength training – lifting weights or using resistance bands.

Don’t Lose Sleep 

Losing sleep can lead to many health issues, such as depression, weight gain and diabetes, to name but a few. When altering your lifestyle, ensure that you have around 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night. 

Sleep needs to be a priority in your life, and when you create a good sleeping schedule, you will notice an improvement in how you feel during the day.

Managing your IBS will take time and practice. However, once you begin to identify which strategies have helped your symptoms, as well as what realistic changes can be implemented into your life, you will begin to reduce the amount of IBS flare-ups you experience.

When you have a handle on what steps you need to take when your IBS flares up and what to avoid, it will help in reducing the total of times you feel uncomfortable and in pain due to your IBS.