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Tips For Taking Care Of Your Mental Health, Especially During Isolation


Mental Health is an immensely important topic, a key mental health advocate is Freeletics Ambassador, Hussain Manawer from London.

He experienced loss, trauma and struggles with mental health throughout his life. The difficulties he’s overcome and the challenges he’s faced are what made him who he is today. Believing in himself was the hardest part.

Believing that he can do it, that he can make the change and become a better version of himself is the first and biggest hurdle he had to overcome. Mental resilience is something he knows a lot about and it’s something he’s willing and ready to develop further.

Hussain always starts by visualising the day ahead. Exercising first thing in the morning, getting that first win always makes him feel like he can take on the world. For Hussain, cultivating the mindset of a winner is far more important than building muscle or losing weight.

Mentality is the cornerstone of his motivation, it’s what drives him forward, he is a strong supporter of Freeletics who has helped him on his journey and continues to do so.

Here are a few examples of what he used to help him cope. 

Clean, Bright Space: 

Nothing spells out stress quite like working in dark, cluttered space. If you are doing home office, be mindful about the appearance of the room you are working in. If you have the option, try to choose a room that gets lots of sunlight. Those that are regularly getting sunlight are generally happier, more productive, and less stressed. And another thing about the state of your new work space-keep it clean. Although you aren’t physically at work, act like you are.

If you have dirty dishes piled up from the morning or afternoon, be sure to make a quick trip to the kitchen and put them where they belong. Cleaning the surface of your kitchen table or desk is also a great idea. Organizing your inbox, refreshing contact information, and reviewing your work schedule will also help to declutter the mind and make you feel calmer.

Connect to People

Unfortunately, at this time it is important to be mindful of not spending time in public with those we love. On the positive side, however, digital technology changed the way we communicate and all we have to do is pick up our phone.

Whether talking on the phone, video chatting, or sending encouraging messages or memes on social media, plug into your community. In the next few weeks, leaning on those around us virtually can help to make people ease the weird vibes of this new self-isolation.

Try New Hobbies

Staying at home every day sounds like every extrovert ‘s worst nightmare but think of it in a positive way. Now you have more time to work on those hobbies you’ve been dying to try out but haven’t found the time for.

Of course, there are new Netflix shows and movies to watch, but work on filling time with more creative hobbies like drawing, writing, yoga, painting, growing a garden, etc


Exercise is one of the top ways to keep calm and stay fit during self-isolation. Now with gyms being closed, you might think it is difficult to find the motivation and ability to work out, however, with fitness apps like Freeletics makes it easier than ever.

With the ability to workout in only 2×2 meters of space, simply open the app and choose which kind of workout you want to do that day. The AI powered digital coach will provide you with a training session that will help you work towards your health and fitness goals no matter if you are in your room, balcony or in the garden. Get the endorphins flowing and keep up your fitness routine wherever you are.


One last way to take care of mental health during this uncertain time is to practice meditation and mindfulness sessions. Not only does Freeletics have training features that work to strengthen your body but also aims to sharpen your mind. With sessions that focus on building a routine, developing consistent habits, reducing stress, and improving sleep, this can be a great way to work on improving mental health while staying.

Freeletics offers mindset coaching and personalised AI fitness coaching which continuously adapts to your feedback and situation to always deliver the perfect workout, with the right mindset.

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