Spoiler alert: Eat well and get plenty of exercise.
World Diabetes Day today November 14th, is a good reminder of how prevalent diabetes continues to be across the UK.
And yes, you can still eat chocolate and play sports.
In light of recent findings about the increased risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19 amongst people with diabetes, it is more important than ever…
More than half a million people could have diabetes and not know
A team led by experts at Liverpool Hope University has discovered for the first time how the ‘VO2 kinetics’ – is actually much slower in…
Insulin resistance is very common and is about far more than just diabetes.
Foods you should and shouldn’t be eating if you have type 2 diabetes
Research and user behaviour show how lockdown has affected the fitness industry and the way people now choose to exercise
Dr Sarah Brewer shares her expert advice for type 2 diabetics, discussing beneficial foods and items with hidden sugars to avoid.