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Energise Your Summer Workdays: Top Tips to Keep You Powered From 9 to 5


As the mercury climbs, so does the workplace thermometer—not in degrees, but in stress levels. Recent studies by Westfield Health paint a vivid picture: nearly half of all employees find their stress and anxiety levels spiking during the summer months, with a staggering 70% of working parents especially feeling the heat as school breaks begin.

Enter Lily Soutter, London’s go-to guru for Workplace Wellness, with smart, easy-to-adopt strategies that promise to revitalise your workdays and liberate your evenings from the clutches of unfinished tasks.

  1. Smooth Out the Sugar Spikes: Jump off the blood sugar roller coaster with smarter food choices. Start your day with a protein-packed breakfast and keep the momentum with snacks that marry fibre-rich carbs to proteins, ensuring a steady energy supply without the crashes.
  2. Swap White for Whole Grains: Make a simple switch to whole grains to keep your blood sugar balanced and your energy levels steady. Options like quinoa, millet, and whole grain pasta not only fuel the body longer but also help keep your mental focus sharp.
  3. Optimize Your Lunch Portion: Avoid the post-lunch slump by scaling back portions and focusing on quality. A balanced plate with a mix of macronutrients—carbs, proteins, and fats—will maintain your alertness throughout the afternoon.
  4. A Midday Boost with Green Tea: Green tea is the perfect beverage to lift your spirits and your focus in the afternoon. The magic ingredient? L-Theanine, which promotes a calm yet alert state, ideal for beating the mid-afternoon blues without disrupting your night’s sleep.
  5. Hydrate Creatively: If you struggle with downing glass after glass of water, make it more appealing by adding slices of fruits or herbs like mint or ginger. Remember, hydration is crucial for maintaining focus and efficiency, so keep those fluids coming.
  6. Movement and Mindful Rest: A quick stroll or a session of stretching at your desk can work wonders for your energy. And as the day winds down, prepare for a restful sleep with no screens an hour before bedtime and perhaps a cup of soothing herbal tea.

Implementing these six tips won’t just help you manage your professional life better during the summer—they’ll transform it, enabling you to reclaim your evenings and enjoy your time off work fully recharged.