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Olympian Keri-anne Payne Helps Swimmers To Prepare For The Water With Straight-Line Swimming

Keri anne Payne

Double open water swimming world champion, Keri-anne Payne has released an open water swimming coach finder, via Straight-Line Swimming, where she tutors open water coaching qualifications.

The coach finder collates qualified and trusted open water coaches across Great Britain.

The team at Straight-Line Swimming hopes that swimmers nationwide will use this handy tool to find their perfect coach to help them brush up on their swimming skills before they head back into the water this summer.

Open Water Swimming saw its biggest boom yet in the summer of 2020, during lockdown. Whilst people desperately looked for new ways to exercise outdoors whilst staying socially distanced, studies showed that swimming outdoors is particularly good for mental health.

Along with endorsements by a growing number of celebrities, this led to more people taking to seas, lakes, lochs and rivers to try their hand at swimming in nature.

For open water swimming professionals like Keri-anne Payne, it became more important than ever to spread the word about how enjoyable swimming outdoors can be, when you do so safely and with confidence.

As the UK reopens it’s outdoor pools and swimming groups, Straight-Line Swimming, are at the forefront of giving helpful advice to would-be open water swimmers.

During lockdown, they’ve hosted virtual events featuring open water athletes and released blog posts advising how to become more confident in the water.

Most recently Straight-Line Swimming have partnered with the Henley Mile swim challenge. Their members get access to a free 12-week swimming plan for the Henley Mile, to prepare swimmers for the water this summer.

“The release of the coach finder is the latest in a push to empower the world to swim outdoors, safely and with confidence” said Keri-anne, Olympian and founder of Straight-Line Swimming.

“I absolutely love swimming in nature. And for me, there’s just this amazing sense of freedom. There’s no lane-lines, there’s no roof, there’s no chlorine, there’s no fast lane, there are no breaststrokers, there’s no butterfly swimming. It’s just me in the freedom of the open water and just at one with nature.”

Straight-Line Swimming delivers open water swimming coaching qualifications and are a great resource for open water events and challenges, finding like-minded swimmers and helping people to feel motivated to swim in nature.

Sign-up for a free membership or use their brand new coach finding tool, via their website. Or keep up to date with the latest news via their  Facebook page or Instagram. Keri-anne herself, is available for interviews.

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