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Soup-erb Comfort: Chicken Soup That Heals the Body and Soul

healthy foods to put in soup

When cold season rears its head and our noses won’t stop running, a warm, fragrant bowl of chicken soup is the first thing many of us crave.

For decades—perhaps centuries—it’s been championed as a comforting remedy for the sniffles and an overall mood booster on dreary days.

But what are the real, research-backed benefits of chicken soup, and does this age-old staple deserve its healing reputation?

More Than Comfort in a Bowl

The magic behind chicken soup goes beyond nostalgia. At its core, it’s a blend of nutrient-rich chicken, aromatic herbs, and vegetables like carrots, onions, garlic, and celery.

Together, these ingredients supply protein, vitamins, and minerals that can bolster your body, especially when you’re feeling under the weather.

Carrot Power

In 2021, a group of researchers discovered that certain compounds in carrots may help combat the rhinovirus (a frequent culprit behind the common cold).

Onion and Garlic Goodness

Fast-forward to May 2023, and findings showed that daily onion and garlic extracts might support respiratory health. These veggies are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which could ease sore throats or stuffy noses.

Hydration and Electrolytes

Even the broth itself offers key perks. Its liquids help keep you hydrated, while the mix of chicken and vegetables can replenish electrolytes.

For an extra boost, chicken bone broth contains higher levels of potassium and phosphorus, which are essential for immune health.

The Ongoing Inflammation Debate

Back in 2000, researchers at the University of Nebraska set out to test whether chicken soup really could reduce the nasal congestion and inflammation that often accompany a cold.

Their work suggested that both the chicken and the vegetables in the soup might dial down an overactive immune response, possibly helping you breathe a bit easier.

A follow-up in 2021 supported those earlier observations, although large-scale studies remain limited.

How to Make It Healthier

Raising the game of your own pot of chicken soup can be surprisingly simple:

Choose Low-Sodium Broth

This helps maintain a moderate salt intake while letting the flavours of the soup’s ingredients shine.

Pile On the Veggies

Carrots, celery, onions, and garlic aren’t just for taste—they add nutrients and may even bring along some anti-inflammatory benefits.

Add Flavorful Alliums

Stir in onions, garlic, or similar allium veggies to boost both aroma and potential health advantages.

For anyone relying on canned or boxed soup, consider tossing in a handful of frozen vegetables or fresh herbs. A quick simmer can transform a simple base into a more nutrient-dense meal.

And if you need an emotional pick-me-up, remember that a piping-hot bowl can lift your spirits—a bonus when you’re feeling less than your best.

Worth the Hype?

Is chicken soup a miracle cure? Probably not. But thanks to the potential for hydration, soothing warmth, and overall nutrition, it still earns its beloved place in many people’s get-well routine.

Whether ladled out by a caring friend or simmered by you in a cosy kitchen, that first spoonful often delivers the kind of comfort no over-the-counter medicine can match.

While you may not find it rewriting medical textbooks, the benefits of chicken soup are real enough to justify keeping this comforting classic on standby. After all, a bit of homey warmth goes a long way—especially when you’re on the mend.

When the chill of winter sets in or you’re feeling a bit under the weather, there’s nothing quite like a warm bowl of homemade chicken soup to soothe the soul.

When winter’s nipping at your nose or you’re feeling a bit run-down, there’s nothing like a comforting bowl of proper chicken soup to sort you out.

It’s the kind of recipe that’s been passed down through families for generations—bursting with tender chicken, fresh veg, and aromatic herbs that just make you feel better about, well, everything.

Here’s how to whip it up at home.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 whole chicken (about 1.5 kg), cleaned and cut into pieces
  • 2 large onions, peeled and quartered
  • 3 carrots, peeled and sliced
  • 3 celery stalks, sliced
  • 2 leeks, thoroughly cleaned and sliced
  • 4 cloves of garlic, smashed
  • 1 bay leaf
  • A few sprigs of fresh thyme
  • A handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • (Optional) Noodles or rice, if you fancy a heartier meal

Step-by-Step Instructions

Start with the Broth

Pop your chicken pieces into a large stockpot and cover them with about 3–4 litres of cold water. This is the foundation of your soup.

  • Bring it to a gentle boil over medium-high heat.
  • You’ll see a foamy layer appear on top—just skim that off so your broth stays clear and lovely.
  • Add the Heart of the Soup
  • Once you’ve got a clean broth going, add the onions, carrots, celery, leeks, and garlic. These beauties bring in all the goodness and flavour.

Chuck in the bay leaf and thyme sprigs, plus a generous pinch of salt and a few grinds of black pepper.

Let It Simmer

Turn the heat down and let your soup bubble away softly, uncovered, for about 1½ to 2 hours. You’ll know it’s doing its thing when the chicken’s falling off-the-bone tender and your kitchen smells like a cosy Sunday afternoon.

Strain for Perfection

When time’s up, carefully lift out the chicken and veg. If you want that gorgeous, crystal-clear broth, strain the liquid through a fine sieve or a bit of cheesecloth into a fresh pot or bowl.

Prepare the Chicken

Give the chicken a moment to cool so you don’t burn your fingers. Then, strip the meat off the bones, ditch the skin, and shred or chop it into bite-sized pieces. Pop the meat back into your strained broth.

Final Touches

Give your soup a taste and tweak the seasoning with more salt and pepper if needed. If you’re after something more substantial, stir in some cooked noodles or rice and let them heat through.

Serve and Enjoy

Dish up this glorious soup into warm bowls, add a little sprinkle of parsley, and maybe serve some crusty bread on the side. Then curl up and sip away.

Pro Tips for the Perfect British Chicken Soup

Deepen the Flavour

For an extra-savvy twist, roast your chicken pieces and veg before popping them into the pot. That caramelisation really packs a punch.

Veggie Variations

Parsnips, turnips—go ahead and add them in if you’re feeling adventurous. They boost both taste and nutrition.
Crystal-Clear Broth

If clarity’s your jam, strain the broth a couple of times or use a super-fine filter.

Storage Wisdom

Leftovers will be happy in the fridge for up to three days and freeze perfectly for longer. Trust me, it’s even tastier the next day once those flavours have fully mingled.

A Timeless Hug in a Bowl

This classic chicken soup isn’t just food—it’s like a warm hug from home. Whether you’ve caught a bit of a sniffle or you just need something hearty on a miserable day, a steaming bowl of this feels like pure comfort.

So take it slow, savour every slurp, and bask in that cosy, time-honoured goodness that’s been winning hearts (and tummies) for centuries. Enjoy!

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