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Debunking ‘Healthy’ Eating Myths

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Social media means we have a wealth of information when it comes to nutrition at the tip of our fingers, whether it’s for good or for bad. 

Research by Able reveals 47% of Brits have turned to social media recipes for health reasons. With many of us not having much to do during lockdown, recreating recipes and food trends from social media platforms such as Tiktok has now become a part of our daily routines. 

However, this has also generated widespread confusion about what is actually healthy to eat. For this reason, I wanted to find out more from the food-tech innovators over at yfood, supported by a team of qualified researchers and nutritional experts who are keen to debunk some of the most common misconceptions when it comes to following a healthy diet.

Myth 1: Healthier foods are more expensive

Our research shows a staggering 41% of Brits associate healthy and nutritious food products with unaffordable prices. However, healthy eating doesn’t have to cost more.

You might be surprised to know you can buy healthier options without spending more money. For instance, buying frozen fruit and vegetables or canned goods such as chickpeas and beans. They come ready to use and they last longer than fresh products.

Myth 2: Carbs are fattening 

Carbohydrates (like bread, pasta, potatoes and rice) are good for you when you have the right amount. The NHS recommends people aim for an average of 30g per day, but most only eat around 18g. They’re an important part of having a healthy, balanced diet that you can stick to. Carbs give your body: 

  • energy 
  • vitamins like iron, calcium and B vitamins 
  • fibre to support your digestion and help you feel fuller for longer

Myth 3: Snacking is bad for you

You might be surprised to know that having an occasional treat can make it easier to stick to a healthy balanced diet.

We found that 21% of Brits tend to feel more hungry in-between breakfast and lunch, meaning they snack more.

Opting to eat a healthy snack in between meals can reduce the temptation to eat foods high in fat and sugar. Some nutritious treats are fresh fruit, rice cakes, nuts or vegetables with a hummus dip.

Myth 4: Skipping meals will keep the weight off 

Skipping meals can make you lack essential nutrients and feel tired. In fact, our research revealed 15% of the nation eats to excess because they wait until the point of feeling ravenous.

This can mean you eat more calories than you need throughout the day. Eating healthy balanced meals at regular times during the day can help you lose weight more successfully than if you skip meals.

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