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Unlocking Self-Confidence: Revealing Brits’ Most Common Body Insecurities

men posing for a male edition body positive beauty set showing messages on banners.

A new analysis of Google searches around weight loss aspirations has revealed which body part people hope to shred fat from the most – and it turns out flat stomachs are the goal.

The research, which was pulled together by our friends over at fitness experts Lift Vault, collated Google search volume for over 300 keywords related to weight-loss suggestions and muscle group-specific workouts, spanning the past three years, to determine the areas Brits were most keen to slim down.

And it turns out six-packs aren’t going out of style anytime soon, as tips and advice around losing stomach fat is by far the most searched-for aspiration.

The average monthly search volume is almost 90,000 (130.5 per 100k), meaning two-thirds of searches related to fat loss (67%) are focused on belly fat.

Some cities are chasing their six-pack dreams more than others, the data shows. Walsall is especially keen, with more searches than anywhere else at 600 per 100k – over four times (362%) the national average of 130. In contrast, it isn’t a priority in Wakefield, with only 59 searches per 100k.

Following the stomach as the second area people most want to lose weight in is – surprisingly – the face, with an average monthly search volume of over 18,000 (27.2 per 100k).

Again, Walsall takes the lead as the city which expresses the most interest in having defined facial features, with 122 searches per 100k – over quadruple (352%) the UK average.

Brits are keen to lose back fat too, which is the third biggest weight loss aspiration with over 6,000 monthly searches (9.2 per 100k).

On the other end of the spectrum, however, ankles are of the least concern, with just 85 average monthly searches – only making up a minute 0.01% of the total searches.

It seems that quite a few people are also looking to lose weight in more than one area, with general searches around weight loss exceeding all of the specific areas with a huge 258,291 average monthly searches – equivalent to 381 per 100k.

The 5 biggest weight loss aspirations in the UK

 AspirationMonthly Google SearchesSearches per 100k
1Lose Stomach Fat88,376130.5
2Lose Face Fat18,39427.2
3Lose Back Fat6,2419.2
4Lose Thigh Fat6,1109.0
5Lose Arm Fat5,8338.6

As well as revealing the most searched-for weight loss goals, the study also analysed searches around exercise aspirations, to reveal the muscle groups people hope to improve the most with their workouts.

And – given the focus on losing stomach fat – it’s no surprise that searches for ab exercises accounted for more than 1 in 10 exercise-related searches (15%), with an average of over 97,381 searches.

Following abs as the second most-targeted muscle group is the chest, with the average monthly searches nearing 80,000 (118 per 100k).

Shoulders are the third biggest exercise aspiration, suggesting upper-body strength is a primary goal, with monthly searches surpassing 75,000 (111 per 100k).

The 10 biggest exercise aspirations in the UK

 AspirationMonthly Google SearchesSearches per 100k
1Abs Exercise97,381144
2Chest Exercise79,822118
3Shoulder Exercise75,062111
4Triceps Exercise72,012106
5Arm Exercise52,68278
6Biceps Exercise50,48275
7Core Exercise36,79454
8Lower Back Exercise31,67347
9Glutes Exercise28,61242
10Traps Exercise24,39336

Commenting on the findings, a Lift Vault spokesperson says: “Having a clear goal in mind for what you hope to gain from your workouts can massively help with motivation – but, it’s important to make sure that your aspirations are realistic, otherwise you may get disheartened.

“Whether it’s a toned stomach or bigger glutes you want, once you commit to this being your end goal, it’s immediately easier to commit to and refine your training. Make sure to track your progress so that you can celebrate your wins and identify any areas that you can improve.

“And if you’re still struggling with motivation, searching up new workout inspo is a great way to cure the boredom that can come with sticking to the same routine day in day out. Sometimes all you need is a bit of variation and you’re ready to go again.”