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PE: The Worst Thing About School? British Adults Reflect on Dreaded Gym Class Memories

group of school children run during physical education class at school gym

A survey from myphizz, a school wellbeing app reveals a sobering reality: 64% of Brits say PE was hands-down the worst part of their school years. And modern kids? They have no clue just how rough it used to be.

Among the least-loved parts of the old-school gym were the moments of sheer humiliation. A painful 42% remembered the sting of being picked last for teams.

Nearly as many – 40% – recalled shivering in just PE knickers as they ran laps outside, while 39% described being berated by a teacher in front of their classmates.

From coming last in a race, punctuated by a pity clap (35%), to the dread of having to wear ill-fitting, forgotten uniforms from lost property (29%), PE left a lasting impression on many.

The survey unveiled other nightmare moments that still give adults chills, like the post-PE cold shower (17%) and the infamous rope climb (23%).

Even the hard, blue mats and uncomfortable plimsolls made it to the list of grievances, showing how the memory of discomfort runs deep.

Given this list of dreaded experiences, it’s hardly surprising that 57% of adults say their school PE lessons have influenced how they feel about exercise in adulthood.

Anthony McBride, Co-Founder at myphizz, expressed his surprise at the survey findings, saying, “We were shocked to see how many people had a bad experience of PE at school and how this has affected their attitude towards exercise later on in life.

Thankfully, PE has come a long way from the days of pommel horses and smelly plimsolls. Advances in technology, like myphizz, give schools more tools to engage students actively and positively.”

Worst Memories of School PE Lessons Percentage
Being the last to be picked for a team 42%
Doing PE outside in the cold or rain 40%
Being made to feel inadequate because you struggled 39%
The embarrassment of getting changed in front of everyone 35%
Coming last in races to the sound of patronising clapping 32%
Mean PE teachers 32%
Having to run the 1,500 metres 30%
Forgetting your kit and having to wear smelly lost property 28%
Cross country races 27%
Being shouted at by the teacher 23%
Having to climb a rope 23%
Having to compete with the sporty kids 19%
Jumping over the pommel horse 18%
Forging a sick note from your mum but getting caught out 18%
Having to wear PE knickers 18%
Having to have a cold shower afterwards 17%
The hard, blue PE mats 13%
Having to wear uncomfortable plimsolls 12%
Playing rounders 12%
Being tripped up during matches 11%

In fact, today’s students may have it significantly better. According to the survey, a whopping 95% of parents think their children’s PE experience is far more enjoyable than their own.

Half of those surveyed said they appreciate the variety of activities available now, while 52% agreed that PE lessons are more dynamic and fun.

Almost half (44%) also believe today’s PE teachers are more supportive, helping to create a healthier environment for children to explore physical activity.

British Olympian Adam Gemili, who has partnered with myphizz, emphasised the importance of this shift, especially after the impact of lockdowns on children’s fitness.

“The mental and physical wellbeing of children has never been more crucial,” he explained. “myphizz gives children autonomy and empowers them to manage their own levels of physical activity through choosing exactly the types of exercise they enjoy.”

With myphizz’s support, children can now track their own progress and explore activities that genuinely engage them, whether they’re budding athletes or just discovering the joys of moving their bodies.

The survey underscores how much PE has evolved, from a dreaded obligation to a flexible, engaging, and supportive part of a child’s school life.

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