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LSU Tigers Wide Receiver Justin Jefferson Interview On How He Is Preparing For Draft Day


By David Saunders | UPDATED: 11:28, 19 April 2020

This year’s NFL draft is unlike any other in the history of the league. In order to help curb the spread of COVID-19, prospects will be selected virtually by each of the 32 teams. But that’s only what the public will witness.

Behind the scenes, prospects have had to train, compete and recover in ways they never have before. Isolated, away from their teammates and training partners, relying on only themselves to push through each repetition and each sprint.

But that’s what separates Under Armour from the rest. This is how we train and compete; we do what it takes.

Justin Jefferson, shares how he is training and preparing for the moment his name is announced on draft day.


UA: Has your training changed during social-distancing?

JJ: I’m still training day in and day out. I’m focusing more on individual drills now that I’m training alone, but I’ve had the opportunity to improvise a bit with new circuits and fine-tune the more traditional ones that I’m used to.

UA: How has it been different working and training without your teammates?

JJ: I’ve had to be more independent and focus more on myself – making sure that I am healthy, safe and ready to compete.

UA: Is recovery a focus for you and if so, how are you recovering at home?

JJ: Recovery is extremely important to me. By recovering properly and getting the necessary treatment, I’m back on on the field faster and better. I’m trying to do everything right to stay healthy and make sure my body is able to compete on the highest level.

Some active rest routines I’m doing are different ball drills and hand-eye coordination drills at my house. I’m really focusing on my catching ability and ability to track the ball.

UA: With social-distancing, you haven’t had a traditional introduction process with teams. How have you approached this challenge?

JJ: By continually talking to coaches virtually and making it known that I am a smart football player. I am able to pick up plays fast, and have the ability to be that number one receiver.

UA: What are you most looking forward to when you hear your name announced?

JJ: Celebrating with my family and friends. It’s a big moment, no one in my family has been drafted in the first round before so that possibility is exciting for my family.

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