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How Men Rate Their Physical Health

Handsome man taking care of face skin after shaving

Aviva’s recent survey into Men’s health sheds light on an encouraging trend: over half of the men surveyed rate their physical health as good or better, with the 25-34 age group feeling particularly spry, reporting the highest positive ratings at 67%.

It’s not just about feeling good today; many men are taking steps to ensure their health lasts a lifetime.

Three-quarters of the respondents are actively pursuing healthier lives, with popular activities including soaking up the fresh air and staying hydrated—each favoured by 25% of those surveyed.

Additionally, 21% get their hearts pumping with exercise at least twice a week, and 19% keep things balanced with a nutritious diet.

So, what’s driving these decisions? For 41%, it’s about feeling healthy here and now. Another third are looking ahead, aiming to prevent diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

A forward-thinking 32% are focused on their future selves, hoping to stay fit as they age.

Despite these positive efforts, many men still face concerns. Sixty per cent worry about their physical health at least once a month, and for 13%, this worry is a daily shadow.

There’s a silver lining, though: a strong majority, 63%, understand that good physical health can lead to better mental health, with nearly a quarter finding that regular activity makes them happier.

Body image also plays a significant role, especially among younger and middle-aged men. Twenty-one per cent strive for better health and to look good, while 20% are working on weight loss, checking the scales about twice a month.

But not all the news is rosy. Sixteen per cent feel their health is below par, with this concern more pronounced among those just starting out in life and those in their golden years.

Thirty-four per cent admit they could be doing more for their health but cite lack of motivation and tiredness as their biggest hurdles.

Dr. Doug Wright, Medical Director at Aviva UK Health, offers a hopeful perspective: “Our survey is a heartening reminder that health remains a priority for many men.

They recognise the immediate and lasting benefits of an active lifestyle. With national health under the spotlight, it’s great to see proactive steps being taken.

However, we also see areas where more can be done. A bit more activity could not only elevate physical health but also improve sleep and mood, crucial for tackling today’s busy, stressful life.”

Across the board, men rate their physical health as:

Age Group Good or Higher Average Poor or Very Poor
16-24 53% 21% 21%
25-34 67% 21% 5%
35-44 66% 19% 10%
45-54 58% 25% 13%
55+ 52% 23% 23%

Men’s ratings of their physical health vary, reflecting a complex blend of optimism and challenge.

Each age group brings a different perspective, shaping a broad picture of how men navigate their health journeys. For a deeper look at these insights, check out Aviva’s full report here.