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What Does Your Man Really Want On March 14th Mens Valentines Day


LoveWorks is dedicating themselves to making sure men have a special day – March 14th. Men’s Valentine’s Day is for real and more couples are getting excited about it all of the time.

Most people agree couples are much happier when both people know they are special and appreciated. LoveWorks, a company that specializes in products designed to improve interpersonal relationships, definitely agrees.

A big thing they are doing to help in this area is by promoting the new partner to Valentine’s Day, March 14th, Men’s Valentine’s Day.

Edgy and exciting, many people love the idea of the new holiday with girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, and husbands, all getting in on the fun.

“Guys are rarely the ones getting the attention they need from their partners, and their partner’s families,” commented Heather Williams of LoveWorks. “We want to encourage a broader base of people to show their appreciation and affection for the men in their lives with a holiday just for men.”

With its origins in a slightly less politically correct titled holiday and celebrated half tongue-in-cheek, Men’s Valentine’s Day is being taken much more seriously.

It also fits very well with the idea that both sexes should be celebrated and praised for the good they do, and the more reasons a couple have fun together — the better for the relationship.

National Guy’s Valentine’s Day provides positive reinforcement by letting men (who deserve it) know, that not only are they appreciated but are also needed by their wives or girlfriends and a vital part of their happy lives.

That is what a holiday of appreciation is supposed to be and LoveWorks® is overjoyed to sponsor it.

Valentine’s Day got its start as a “day of romance” in the 14th century and now seven centuries later, the love is being spread to include a day for men, in addition to women.

Chocolate and flowers are sure to remain as popular as ever… and for men, there are plenty of good ideas as well.

Williams, from LoveWorks®, said with a big smile, “Don’t forget to celebrate this March 14th to the fullest. A new tradition is being built – Men’s Valentine’s Day is for real!”