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Here’s How To Survive Your First Camping Trip This Summer

campers at festival

The government’s roadmap to easing lockdown has meant that festivals and camping holidays are back on the agenda.

Some 40,000 music fans arrived at Henham Park in Suffolk today, ahead of the four-day Lattitude Festival,  the first major music event to take place since 2019.

Many more camping events are scheduled to go ahead over the next few months,  and while lots of people will be celebrating the return of the UK summer festival season (not to mention family camping trips), others might be wary about the spread of the virus.

Camping is often about compromising your comfort, but while you might not have access to a squishy double-bed, there’s no reason why you can’t practise good personal hygiene – especially as coronavirus cases are rising in the UK.

Here are some tips for staying clean, safe and sensible on your next outdoor adventure.

1. Carry a decent supply of hand gel

Hand-to-mouth infections are one of the easiest ways to get sick, especially when you’re at a campsite as there’s no guarantee that you’ll have easy access to running water at all times.

Thoroughly covering your hands in germ-killing sanitiser after going to the bathroom, before cooking or eating meals, and after touching anything communal will minimise your risk of getting ill.

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2. Invest in a portable shower

Camping is far more enjoyable with a decent shower, and while some campsites and festivals will have facilities on site, other times you have to rough it.

Many camping shops, as well as online retailers like Amazon, sell solar water bladders with a showerhead so you can still enjoy the luxury of feeling fresh while you’re out in the wilderness. Fill it up with water and let it sit in the sun to give you a warm shower.

3. Bring your own everything

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It’s tempting to share toothpaste and towels with friends, but it’s an easy way to quickly spread bacteria through the campsite.

Err on the side of caution and bring your own personal care items so you aren’t raising the risk of passing any bugs or viruses between your group.

4. Pack wet wipes

From wiping runny noses to giving your hands a quick freshen up, wet wipes are an essential for any camping trip.

Just make sure you invest in biodegradable ones and bring a zip-lock bag so you can collect the used ones and deposit them in the nearest bin.

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