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7 Ways How Your Smartphone Is Affecting You Adversely

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The most common cause of getting hit while biking is probably because either the biker or the other person involved in the accident was using their phone.

We have all heard or maybe even seen such incidents happening in our real lives. Not only this, but almost every sphere of our life including relationships, studies, leisure time, gym time, work, etc. are all in some way or the other getting affected because of our smartphones in ways we cannot even imagine. 

So to create awareness, here are seven ways how your smartphone is affecting you adversely.

It leads to shortened attention span 

While multitasking on your phone appears to be efficient, it may ultimately make us distracted and inattentive in the long term.

This is a big problem since having a shorter attention span can cause havoc in our life. We wouldn’t be able to perform anything properly, which would make living a meaningful life difficult. Moreover, it is not just a shortened attention span, but excessive use of smartphones also affects our cognitive functioning.

They can ruin romantic relationships

Smartphones may potentially be causing problems in people’s romantic relationships. It’s likely happened to you as well at some point: the person you’re on a date with is more interested in their phone than in you.

This communicates to them that their device is more essential than their relationship. When a partner feels disrespected or ignored, they will eventually seek somebody else who appreciates their company.

Additionally, couples who spend more time on their smartphones than with their significant other can have a negative impact on intimacy as well.

It leads to a lack of physical activity

Technology has enabled us to have access to every resource, product, or service at our fingertips. Without a doubt, it has made our lives easier in a variety of ways.

However, we cannot disregard the negative consequences of smartphones. It has intensified our reliance on technology while decreasing physical activity.

Instead of going out and enjoying the real world, we spend our weekends at home, watching movies on our cell phones, shopping online, and ordering food from restaurants. This reduces physical activity, which can lead to a person becoming obese. 

It gets you hooked to forms of online compulsions

Gambling, gaming, online shopping, stock trading, and bidding on auction platforms such as eBay are examples of online compulsions. These typically result in financial and work problems.

While gambling addiction, in general, has always been recognized as a severe problem, the ease of access to Internet gambling has made it substantially more difficult.

Compulsive stock trading or online purchases can be just as financially and socially damaging. You may purchase items you do not require or cannot afford only to experience the adrenaline of ordering online.

It creates false idolization and expectations

The youth has become so engrossed in cell phones that they have created false expectations. People portray themselves as flawless beings with the help of editing and beautifying apps available.

The children are so easily influenced that they begin idolizing them and setting false ideals. They buy things, adhere to diets, and partake in the activities of famous influencers without hesitation.

This gives them a false sense of assurance and validation. This can be tricky for their self-esteem. This in the long run can cause depression and anxiety among them.

It leads to mindlessness

Obsessive web surfing, video streaming, gaming, or skimming news feeds can all lead to decreased productivity at work or school. It can even isolate one for hours at a time without their knowledge.

Addiction to the Internet and smartphone apps may cause you to neglect other aspects of your life, such as real-world hobbies, relationships, and social activities. It also causes you to become less alert, and you progressively lose control of your life.

It creates unnecessary peer pressure

Many parents note that their children repeatedly ask for the most recent or most pricey smartphone on the market. It has arisen as a peer-pressured environment that is analogous to smoking or doing drugs.

Children see their friends or social media influencers using the most recent smartphone version. They believe they must have that version to be accepted by the group.

This disorients the logical functioning of their brain and leads them to obsessively imitate others for the sake of acceptance and validation. 

So In Conclusion, spending too much time hooked to your phone becomes an issue only when it consumes so much of your time that you overlook your face-to-face relationships, school, work, hobbies, or other critical aspects of your life.

If you find yourself neglecting friends at lunch to browse Facebook posts, or eyeing your phone obsessively while driving or through school lectures, it’s time to rethink your smartphone usage and create a healthier equilibrium in your life.