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You Know “The Body Coach” – Now Meet “The Meditation Guru.”

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By David Saunders | UPDATED: 05:28, 27 April 2020

Meditation is the perfect tool and the ideal way to start our day on a relaxed, stronger, positive note.

Attendees will enjoy an uplifting, inspiring message each morning for a few minutes on how meditation can help to cope with the various scenarios during the lockdown and how meditating regularly can strengthen our mental health, well-being and immunity.

Declining mental health is a worry with the lockdown extended here in the UK, and many people are now struggling, not only with the fear of catching the virus, but of losing their jobs, or if they are recently redundant, how they are going to cope.

Practising meditation, with its profound, calming benefits can give us a boost of added strength and confidence to accept our current situation and allows us greater insight to know how to cope, tolerate the restrictions on us and what to do next. Meditation naturally increases contentment and happiness.

Lessons will lead attendees into a simple but profoundly deep meditation that we hope will become a daily practice.

They can then join us on a twice-daily basis to establish a pattern of regular practice through our group sessions. We offer continued support for any questions and comments.

The aspects and benefits of joining and practising meditation include:

  • Strengthens our mental health due to greater relaxation

  • Strengthened mental health makes us feel we can cope better

  • Regular meditation practice creates a foundation of peace within us

  • Greater resilience to negative thoughts and stressful situations

  • Cope better despite the challenges of change and restrictions around us

  • Helps remove the agitation from isolation or lockdown

  • Affords us more patience with those around us during lockdown and fewer arguments

  • Deal with loneliness better – we may feel alone but no longer lonely

  • Increases confidence to try or learn new things

  • Helps motivate us to turn boredom into activity

  • Helps us better embrace the universal language of love, community connectedness and familyness and missing our relatives and friends

  • A twice-daily dose of happiness – meditation lifts your spirits and dissolves sadness

Live Streaming Joining Link:


Rajesh Ananda, The Meditation Guru, leads the non-profit school, FISU Meditation ( which has 22 branches in the UK another 30 in Europe. (Registered Education Charity No: 1061185).



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