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First-Time Skiers Guide To Prepare You For The Slopes

skier on slopes

There is no better way to enjoy the winter weather than hitting the slopes. However, if you have never been skiing before it may seem like a scary prospect.

Skiing is an incredibly fun and exciting sport that can be enjoyed on your own or with friends, so we’ve put together a few top tips for you if you’re a first-time skier before you strap on those skis to help you prepare for your first day on the mountain. 

The first step is to make sure you have all the necessary equipment. There is quite a bit to think about, including skis, poles, boots, and a helmet.


You can always rent this equipment at the resort, but if you’re planning on skiing regularly, it’s worth investing in your own gear. Not only will it be more comfortable and better fitting, but it can also save you money in the long run. 

Next, it’s important to dress appropriately for the cold temperatures and potential weather conditions on the mountain. It’s always s a good idea to check the forecast before you travel and it’s handy to keep a weather app on your phone like the Accuweather app that can give you real-time information.

Layering is key, as you can always remove a layer if you start to feel too warm. Make sure to wear a waterproof jacket and trousers and bring gloves and a hat to keep your hands and head warm. 

Once you’re at the resort, it’s a good idea to take a lesson from a professional instructor. Even if you think you know how to ski, a lesson can help you improve your technique and give you valuable tips on how to navigate the mountain.

Plus, it’s always safer to ski with a professional by your side. We would also recommend researching online tips and techniques, YouTube is great for this and will help prepare.

Once you’ve got all of this in hand and you’re ready to hit the slopes, start by practising on the beginner runs. You can get into some sticky situations on the slopes, so make sure you check this out first. Don’t be afraid to ask if you’re not sure.

The beginner runs are normally marked with green circles and are designed for skiers who are just learning. Take your time and don’t be afraid to fall – it’s all part of the learning process.

And remember to have fun! As you start to feel more confident on your skis, you can move on to more intermediate runs, marked with blue squares.

These runs are slightly more challenging, with steeper slopes and more challenging terrain. And finally, when you’re feeling brave and ready to take on the expert runs, marked with black diamonds, make sure you’re well prepared. These runs are for advanced skiers only, and they can be dangerous if you’re not ready for them. 

The final thing to consider is insurance. Yes, we know it’s not the best thing to think about but it is the most practical.

Skiing is a dangerous sport and it can result in some serious injuries, so insurance should be on your list, especially if you are travelling abroad. If you’re looking for a travel insurance policy to cover you for any scapes you might find yourself in, take a look at Staysure.

There may seem like a lot to think about, but the main thing to remember is that skiing is an amazing sport that can provide you with endless hours of fun and excitement.

Just make sure to prepare properly and take your time as you learn the ropes. With the right equipment, clothing, and attitude, you’ll be shredding the slopes in no time!