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Drinks You Should AVOID Before a Flight: Enhance Your Travel Experience

Smiling woman holding hot drink in plane

Before you line up for that pre-flight espresso, let’s have a chat about how it might throw a wrench in your travel vibe.

You might reckon that coffee is your best ally to kickstart your travel energy, but up in the air, it’s a different ball game.

Ski Vertigo, a sage of the travel game, offers some insightful nudges on why you might want to skip your coffee ritual before jetting off.

Dehydration – Not Just a Minor Nuisance

Let’s face it, airplane air is about as moist as a desert breeze, and coffee? Well, it’s a bit of a traitor when it comes to hydration. It sends you off to the loo more often than you’d wish, ramping up dehydration.

The result? You feel more parched than usual, headache-prone, and a bit shriveled up. If you fancy arriving more fresh-faced and less prune-like, maybe pass on the java.

Anxiety – Keep Those Jitters Checked

For anyone who already clenches a bit at the thought of flying, a cuppa joe can dial up your jitters to an 11.

Coffee pokes your nervous system into action, which is great when you’re earthbound, less so when you’re 30,000 feet up feeling every bump.

A calmer alternative could help you transform your flight into a zen zone instead of a tin can of tension.

Sleep Disturbances – Catching Z’s Shouldn’t Be a Battle

Planning to nod off on your flight? Caffeine can hold your eyelids open like toothpicks, hanging around in your system long enough to sabotage any sweet slumbers.

Even if you usually stand strong against caffeine’s wake-up call, on a flight, it’s a whole different bedtime story. Missing out on rest can leave you dragging through your vacation start.

Digestive Discomfort – A Turbulent Tummy Doesn’t Fly Well

Chugging a coffee on an empty stomach can stir up more than just butterflies. It’s acidic, which means your stomach might kick up a fuss, leading to heartburn or nausea, especially when you add in cabin pressure changes.

And let’s be honest, starting a vacation feeling like you’ve just left a roller coaster isn’t ideal. Skipping the brew could mean skipping the quease.

Frequent Bathroom Breaks – A Conundrum in the Clouds

Lastly, coffee’s knack for increasing your bathroom visits is inconvenient at best in the snug confines of a plane.

Those ‘fasten seatbelt’ signs? They’re not just suggestions, and they’ll often light up when you least expect (or need) them. Fewer trips to the tiny airplane loo mean a smoother and less disruptive flight.

Summing Up – Why Water Wins on Winged Journeys

Steering clear of coffee before you fly out can really change the game. You’re looking at less dehydration, less stress, more sleep, and smoother digestion.

Opt for water and arrive feeling like you’ve already started your holiday, not like you need a holiday from your flight.