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How Cycling To Work Leads To A Healthier Lifestyle

businessman wearing helmet biking with bicycle on road in city to work

According to the most recent Health Survey conducted by the UK government, around 25.9% of adults are defined as obese and a further 37.9% are overweight. Blamed on the abundance of unhealthy foods and too much sitting down, as a nation we’re being encouraged to find ways to get fit and healthy. 

But finding the time to get fit isn’t always easy! But for time-poor adults with busy lives, the solution is simple: cycle to work. As well as being an eco-friendly activity, ditching the car for a two-wheeled commute is one way we can all lead a healthier, more active lifestyle. 

If you’re not convinced (yet!), here are just some of the benefits of cycling to work. 

  1. Save money 

During a cost of living crisis where goods and services are creeping up in price, many of us are looking for ways to save money. If you don’t want to ditch your daily cappuccino or dramatically cut back on your weekly food shop, one way you can save money is by cutting your commuting costs. 

By cycling to work, you’ll be able to save money on fuel and/or your weekly bus ticket while getting fitter in the process. It’s a no-brainer!

  1. It’s good for your CV health

It probably won’t come as a big surprise to know that cycling is good for your cardiovascular health. If you don’t regularly exercise, you’ll probably notice huge improvements in your fitness. 

As it’s low intensity, cycling is suitable for everyone – even those with joint issues. 

  1. It helps you manage your weight 

If you’re looking to improve your body composition by losing weight, cycling is a great starting point. Combined with a healthy diet and regular strength training, cycling is a low-impact, adaptable exercise that can help you burn up to 700 calories per hour. 

  1. Reduced environmental impact 

Cycling is one of the most eco-friendly modes of transport. By doing your bit and choosing a bike for your daily commute, you can relax knowing you’re keeping your carbon footprint down. 

If you don’t think cycling is a viable option because you live somewhere hilly (like Sheffield or Bristol!), you can make life a little easier by opting for an electric folding bike. That way, you’ll still be doing your bit for the planet – without arriving at the office out of breath and sweaty! 

Final thoughts… 

Getting fitter and healthier is a priority for many people. But finding the time to go to the gym regularly is easier said than done. That’s why cycling to work is such a great option.

Taking no additional time out of your day, you can get fit on your commute rather than sitting in rush-hour traffic.