It’s the age-old question asked by gym rats and fitness fanatics the world over: should you have cheat meals or cheat days when trying to stay in shape?
On the one hand, cheat meals can help you stay on track by giving you something to look forward to. On the other hand, cheat days can help you avoid feeling deprived and may make it easier to stick to your diet long-term. So, which is better?

The Case for Cheat Meals
Cheat meals are small breaks from your diet that allow you to indulge in your favourite foods. Typically, people will have one cheat meal per week.
This approach can help you stay on track because it gives you something to look forward to. In addition, cheat meals can help boost your metabolism and may even help you burn more fat.
Finally, cheat meals can help relieve boredom and keep you motivated to stick to your diet long-term.
The Case for Cheat Days
Cheat days are days where you eat whatever you want without restrictions. Typically, people will have one cheat day per week or every two weeks. This approach can help you avoid feeling deprived because it allows you to eat all of your favourite foods on a regular basis.
In addition, cheat days may make it easier to stick to your diet long-term because they provide built-in “rest days” where you don’t have to worry about what you’re eating.
Finally, cheat days can help boost your metabolism and may even help you burn more fat.
So, which is better—cheat meals or cheat days? The answer is that there is no right or wrong answer. It ultimately depends on what works better for you and your lifestyle.
If you find that having a weekly cheat meal helps keep you on track, then go for it! If having a weekly cheat day makes it easier for you to stick to your diet long-term, then go for it!
Ultimately, the most important thing is that you find an approach that works for YOU and that helps YOU reach YOUR goals.
When it comes to eating healthier and losing weight, a key component of success is having the right strategy for sticking with your diet. It doesn’t have to be torture – in fact, part of that plan should include cheat meals!
They can help you stay motivated while also allowing yourself an occasional indulgence.
To maximize their effectiveness (without sabotaging your progress), here are some tips: create a schedule so that you know exactly when those special moments will arrive; make sure each cheat stays as just one meal or snack – resist making them last longer than necessary; remember cheating isn’t bingeing – this shouldn’t become something expected but instead savoured like a reward along the way towards reaching health goals!