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Bannatyne Health Clubs Supporting Barnardo’s This Christmas

bannatyne barnados campaign

Bannatyne health club members are showing their generosity this Christmas thanks to the company’s partnership with the children’s charity Barnardo’s.

Members who donate a minimum of £5 through the bespoke Just Giving page will receive a free guest day pass from the health club as a thank you, enabling them to bring a friend for free.

bannatynes barnado campaign
Far left – Gavin Churchman, Far right – Dan Murphy, 3rd left Tom Mitchell , 5th left – Robert Hayes, 2nd right Elly Freeman general managers at Bannatyne health clubs 

Barnardo’s is the largest national children’s charity in the UK. Last year it provided essential support to more than 357,000 children, young people, parents and carers, through its services and partnerships.

Kevin Easley, general manager at the Bannatyne health club Leeds, Cardigan Fields said: “This is a fantastic initiative that is enabling our members to support a very worthwhile charity, and get a little something from us in return.

“Members can simply make a donation via the Just Giving page, or we’re happy to support them by doing different sponsored challenges in the club to raise money that way.

“Every £5 will help Barnardo’s make a difference.”

First left – Phill Nuttall general manager at the Bannatyne health club Skelmersdale with Bannatyne colleagues

Duncan Bannatyne, chief executive and chairman at the Bannatyne Group, said: “Our health clubs and members do a great deal to support many good causes all year round and will continue to do so.

“The partnership with Barnardo’s will give a focus for our Christmas fundraising and hopefully we can raise a lot of money to help it carry out its amazing work transforming the lives of vulnerable children across the UK.”

Rebecca Mauger, director of fundraising & marketing for Barnardo’s, said: “We are very grateful to the Bannatyne Group, their members and employees for their support.

We want all children to feel safe and happy at Christmas but, with the sharp rise in food and energy costs this year, many families we support are enduring unprecedented financial strain.

“Our work supports the children and families that need us most. Donations to Barnardo’s help provide essential support and allow children to feel part of Christmas, and we thank the Bannatyne Group for their generous contributions.”

The campaign ends at midnight on 24th December and guests have until 31st January 2023 to redeem their pass.

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