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10 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Effort Is A Failed Project

woman looks fearful at food

Losing weight is undoubtedly one of the most difficult and frustrating challenges a person can take on. Sometimes, whether you are trying to lose a few pounds to fit into a stunning dress, it is difficult to lose weight. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that hard.

Yes, you heard that right! If you are patient enough and follow simple rules, you can make your weight loss journey much more enjoyable.

Unfortunately, we sometimes fail in the weight loss journey for unavoidable reasons. And this causes more harm than good. So, here I delve into the reasons why your weight loss journey becomes a failed project.

Eating Emotionally

We cope with depression and stress in many ways. Often, we resort to eating as a coping mechanism. Additionally, stress eating is a short-term solution to depression as it releases dopamine. But it is not a permanent solution. 

Studies have shown that when we eat as a coping mechanism, we often consume about twice our daily calorie intake. That is because when we eat as a coping mechanism, we intake more high-calorie food. This results in rapid weight gain. 

Giving Up Too Quickly

There is a huge misconception about diets or weight loss projects. Which is we expect immediate results. It is a huge mistake and, most often, the biggest reason behind failing to lose weight.

We should always remember that the process of losing weight is slower than that of gaining weight. So when we don’t see results, we get discouraged and quit halfway. That is sadly the case for most people who fail to lose weight. 

You Have Set Unrealistic Goals

Setting goals in the weight loss journey is great, but unrealistic ones are disastrous. For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds and try to do it in 15 days, it is deadly! But losing 10 pounds in 2 months is quite achievable.

Most weight-loss methods are slow and require patience. Even modern techniques, such as tvns (transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation), can take up to 100 days until you see results. So the key here is to be patient without losing hope.

Focus Is in the Wrong Place

When you try to lose weight, you focus on your calorie intake. It is a common misconception that you lose weight when your calorie intake is low. It is not only a misconception but also very bad for your health. Your body needs the calories to survive. 

All you need to know is which are good and which are bad. On the verge of losing weight, if you stop taking the good ones, you might end up in a hospital bed. So, before you start your diet, ensure you are not focusing in the wrong place.

Being Too Hard on Yourself

Many of us are so desperate to lose weight we often forget that we are merely humans and have limitations. As a result, we usually take extreme measures. From taking on zero-calorie diets to starving, we push ourselves to the edge. 

That is not healthy at all. It can be fatal and cause permanent damage to internal organs. Therefore, you should never starve yourself to lose weight or do anything extreme that pushes your boundaries. 

Lack of Support

We often overlook that we need support during the hard run of weight loss. By support, I mean emotional and mental support.

Ideally, this support should be from friends and loved ones. For example, if you are trying to lose weight, and your friends are making fun of you, you might get frustrated. And such frustrations can lead you to lose hope and leave the journey.

Not Disciplined Enough

Thinking that weight loss is all about dieting and exercising is also wrong. When you start your weight loss journey and lose weight, controlling what you eat and mindlessly exercising isn’t enough.

Here is where discipline comes in. You need discipline, diet, and exercise to achieve what you want. It includes waking and sleeping on time, resting, maintaining a daily routine, etc.

Did Not Consult a Professional.

You may be doing weight loss projects without consulting a professional. That is a huge mistake. Everyone is built differently. What is easy for one person may be a challenge for another person. 

So before jumping headfirst into any project, it is always best to consult your healthcare provider and doctor first and let them assess the situation.

Having Underlying Issues

You can often fail in weight loss projects because of health complications and underlying issues. This includes both physical and mental problems. 

Some of the most common issues people have that become an obstacle in their weight loss journey are thyroid dysfunctions, hormonal imbalances, etc.


While the idea of weight loss projects seems simple and easy, in reality, it is far more difficult. 

Underestimating how much willpower and self-control this journey requires can be devastating. You must have self-control and patience to succeed in this journey before it begins!


What are calories?

A calorie is a unit of measuring the amount of energy that is present in food. It represents the nutritional value of foods, so the more calories a food item has, the more power it can provide you when you eat it.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is when a person does not eat for a certain interval (usually 8 hours) and only eats during certain times of the day to maximize metabolism.

How fast can I lose weight?

The time your weight loss journey will take depends on your method. However, by the recommendations of AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), losing a pound or two in a week is healthy.

The road to losing weight is tiresome and a long one. However, to reach the end of the road, you must have patience.

Now that you better understand some of the reasons why your weight loss efforts were a failed project, you have a better chance of succeeding and achieving your goals! 

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